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About us FEB Research FEB Research Institute (FEBRI) Research programme Marketing Research

Strategic Marketing

With the strategic marketing theme research executed in the department mainly focuses on the impact of marketing strategies on customer- and firm performance. Specific topics we study concern for example, the impact of the marketing function and customer centric management on firm performance, the antecedents and consequences of customer engagement, the impact of specific loyalty strategies on customer performance (i.e. customer loyalty) and the measurement of customer performance (i.e. Net Promoter Score vs. other customer metrics). Within this research we also frequently consider boundary conditions (i.e. under which environmental conditions which strategies are more effective). A theme that has been gaining importance over the last years is the use of new, digital marketing tools, such as social media, but also the use of Al and robotics. In our studies we mainly use a quantitative approach and frequently cooperate with researchers in the marketing research theme. We also aim to benefit from consumer behaviour theories developed in the consumer research theme. Active members of this theme are:

and PhD students:

  • C.F. Hirche, MSc
  • E.N.M. Lesscher, MSc
  • B. Harms, MSc

Publications have appeared in leading marketing journals, such as Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Journal of Retailing. Members of this group are also actively involved as board members of leading journals.

Last modified:27 June 2024 3.13 p.m.