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Public Academy lecture 'Cybercrimes' 6 March 2024

When:We 06-03-2024 19:30 - 21:00
Where:Lokin Hall, Röling Building (Oude Boteringestraat 18)

A text message about an undelivered package or an email that one of your accounts is compromised. Online scammers are getting more cunning, but what world is behind them?

On 6 March, the Public Academy for Jurisprudence will discuss cybercrime. During this evening we will look at the world of digital fraud through a legal lens. More and more crime is moving to 'the web'. In corona time it took flight, especially among young people. In 2021, 47 percent of suspects were 21 or younger; in 2018, that number was 33 percent.

The speakers

Prosecutor Jan Hoekman specializes in cybercrime and has led several major cyber investigations in the Northern Netherlands. Several times he demanded hefty prison sentences against often younger suspects. How do these criminals operate and can we use that knowledge to better protect ourselves?

University lecturer Evgeni Moyakine is an expert on IT law and digital security at our faculty, among other things. His research includes how other countries are behind cyber attacks and what legal consequences that should have. Is this an issue that affects the average Internet user as well?

There will be room for questions after the lectures. However, please keep questions general. During the Public Academy, there is no room to address personal issues.

Sign up

You can attend this Public Academy free of charge. However, registration is required and can be done on the Dagblad van het Noorden site using the link below.

The Public Academy for Jurisprudence

Through lectures aimed at the general public, the Publieksacademie voor de Rechtspraak (Public Academy for Jurisprudence) seeks to satisfy this immense interest. Judges, public prosecutors, professors and other experts discuss legal topics that affect many people. The lectures are suitable for a wide audience and do not require knowledge of the law.

The Public Academy is a collaboration between the Court of the Northern Netherlands, the Faculty of Law at the University of Groningen, the Northern Netherlands Public Prosecution Service and the Dagblad van het Noorden newspaper.

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