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Public Academy lecture 'The judicial side of housing' 21 June 2023

When:We 21-06-2023 19:00 - 21:00
Where:Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen
public academy Judicial side of housing

Tenant and landlord, not always a happy marriage. More than once, disputes arise that require the intervention of judges. What are the rights of a student in a room or a studio tenant? Find out at the Public Law Academy on the judicial side of housing on 21 June in the Geertsema Room of the Academy Building.

During the Public Justice for Jurisprudence on 21 June, we will discuss the rental situation in Groningen. Has it improved or worsened? And what could we do about it? Willem Groeneveld, journalist and editor-in-chief of city blog Sikkom, will talk about his experiences and vision of the housing situation in the student city. Ellen Haan, registrar at the District Court of Northern Netherlands, will give an insight into the cases between tenants and landlords that she has seen in practice.

When all rights for tenants go overboard, exploitation of people can occur. Sierd Eijzenga, public prosecutor, has human trafficking in his portfolio and will explain in broad terms housing in the criminal environment. He will try to take you into these worlds and outline that sometimes things can be very wrong behind the front door at the neighbors.

The evening will be accompanied by Sander Dekker, court and justice reporter for Dagblad van het Noorden.

Sign up

You can attend this Public Academy free of charge. However, registration is required and can be done on the Dagblad van het Noorden site using the link below.

Read more and sign up.

The Public Academy for Jurisprudence

Through lectures aimed at the general public, the Publieksacademie voor de Rechtspraak (Public Academy for Jurisprudence) seeks to satisfy this immense interest. Judges, public prosecutors, professors and other experts discuss legal topics that affect many people. The lectures are suitable for a wide audience and do not require knowledge of the law.

The Public Academy is a collaboration between the Court of the Northern Netherlands, the Faculty of Law at the University of Groningen, the Northern Netherlands Public Prosecution Service and the Dagblad van het Noorden newspaper.

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