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Public Academy 'Cybercrime: we fall for it en masse!' 26 November 2020

When:Th 26-11-2020 19:30 - 20:45
public academy Cybercrime

Criminals are becoming increasingly sneaky online. Internet crime is growing every year. During this corona pandemic, the numbers seem to be rising even faster. Criminals tempt us in all kinds of ways to gain access to our money and belongings.

Public prosecutor Jeroen Houwink, charged with major cyber cases, is familiar with many forms of cyber crime from his daily investigative practice. During this special online edition of the public academy due to corona, he gives numerous examples.

As a criminal judge at the Northern Netherlands District Court, Judge Okko Jan Bosker is responsible for cybercrime cases. He tells everything about how judges assess digital evidence and what punishments await suspects.

The public academy is presented by Renate Winkel, reporter for DVHN.

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The Public Academy for Jurisprudence

Through lectures aimed at the general public, the Publieksacademie voor de Rechtspraak (Public Academy for Jurisprudence) seeks to satisfy this immense interest. Judges, public prosecutors, professors and other experts discuss legal topics that affect many people. The lectures are suitable for a wide audience and do not require knowledge of the law.

The Public Academy is a collaboration between the Court of the Northern Netherlands, the Faculty of Law at the University of Groningen, the Northern Netherlands Public Prosecution Service and the Dagblad van het Noorden newspaper.

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