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About us Faculty of Law Research Centres of Expertise Groningen Centre for Health Law


6 March 2024

The PhD research conducted at GCHL is interdisciplinary, related to health and law, particularly human rights law. Our members come from around the globe and operate internationally, regionally and domestically. Therefore, the GHCL PhD candidates will be returning to Groningen from different parts of the world bringing insights from their home countries, the institutions they work at and their research experiences in different contexts. They will present their researches in several areas of health and law, including health impact assessments, oral health, vaccinations, immigrant healthcare and so forth.

The GCHL PhD candidates will present their research projects, progress, challenges and findings. The sessions will be open to visitors, and colleagues interested in health and law are encouraged to join us. Are you interested in the PhD research conducted at GCHL? Come to meet us on 6 March at the House of Connections in Groningen.

13 October 2023
Law shapes health in various ways: it can encourage healthy and safe behaviours, shapes physical and social environments and some laws may be harmful to our health at times. It is therefore important to ask ourselves the question of how law can be used as a tool to contribute to health in the best possible way. During this network event, hosted by the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, we will discuss legal epidemiology together with Prof. Scott Burris, a key scholar in the field, and set the stage for the new Law for Health Hub!
26 September 2023
Workshop: Future-proofing your human rights research: Climate change as a cross-cutting issue for human rights research.
  • How does climate change impact the legal questions we ask, or the topics we research?
  • How does climate change avoidance (including denial of severity and impact) affect our research, and what can we do about it?
  • How can we mainstream climate change into existing and planned human rights research. Is this necessary, or even possible?

University of Groningen. In collaboration with Tilburg Law School and the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research.

24-28 July 2023

Summer School: Global Governance of Health Vulnerabilities in Africa

What are key health vulnerabilities in Africa and how do global governance arrangements respond to them in resource constrained settings? What are States’ and other actors’ duties and responsibilities to ensure good health? Find out through this summer school organised in partnership between the University of Groningen and Mzumbe University in Tanzania, land of the Mt Kilimanjaro, Serengeti and Mikumi National Park. Location: Mzumbe University, Morogoro Campus, Tanzania.

17-21 July 2023

Summer School: Human Rights and Global Health Challenges

Why are non-communicable diseases (NCDs) a legal issue? How far can a government go to protect public health? How do we generate accountability for human rights violations in a health context? These are just three of the big questions that we will be asking in this summer school. Location: Groningen, Netherlands.

15-16 June 2023

Conference on Strategic Litigation and Public Health. Venue: University of Liverpool, UK (in-person) and online. Co-organised by EUPHA-LAW,  Law & Non-Communicable Diseases Research Unit, University of Liverpool; O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown Law; Groningen Centre for Health Law; Faculty of Public Health, UK; and MCI Management Center Innsbruck.

Conference information and registration.
Keynote Lecture: When misfortune becomes injustice: Moving from exhortation to action in advancing health justice.
Dr Alicia Ely Yamin. Information and registration.

21 April 2023
Webinar on Health, Climate Change and Human Rights. Hosted by the Africa Health and Human Rights Network in collaboration with the GCHL. Information and Programme (PDF).

6 April 2023

Roundtable discussion on Making Health a Human Right. In collaboration with the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA) Global Public Health Week 2023. An open dialogue on the opportunities offered by greater interdisciplinary collaboration on human rights-based approaches to global health challenges. Information and registration.

15 July 2022

2nd African regional colloquium on public health, law, and human rights in Africa: ‘Noncommunicable diseases, healthy diets and (human rights) law’. Hybrid event with the 2022 Groningen Centre for Health Law Summer School. Co-hosted by the University of Groningen, Netherlands and Moi University and the University of Nairobi, Kenya

12-13 May 2022

International Conference on Tobacco, Law and Human Rights: crossing borders, spaces and substances. Keynote speakers will be: Prof. Oaife Nolan, Prof. Stefania Negri  and Prof. Damon Barrett.

10 May 2022

Health Law PhD Day
During this day, early career health lawyers can present their research projects in several panels and receive feedback from experts in the field.

25 February 2022

African regional colloquium on public health, law, and human rights: emerging research agendas in the context of the climate crisis
What are the one or two top public health issues in Africa that could benefit from further research from the legal and human rights perspective ? What opportunities exist to identify and support greater research collaboration between academic institutions, networks, and researchers to address these issues?

10 November 2021

Workshop on Public Health, Climate Change and Strategic Litigation at the  14th  European Public Health Conference (online) co-organised by GHLG,  Law & Public Health  section and the Environment & Health section of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), and PETRA.

7 October 2021

Webinar on Public Health, Climate Change and Strategic Litigation co-organized by GHLG, the Law & Public Health and Environment & Health sections of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), and the UK Faculty of Public Health.

12-16 July 2021

Health Law Academy (online) co-organized with the European Law Students Association (ELSA).

7-9 October 2020

Workshop Market- or regulation-driven development for healthy diets and sustainable food systems. Hosted jointly by the Universities of Ghent, Göttingen and Groningen with financial support from the U4 Society Universities Network.

9-13 July 2018

Summer School on Health and Human Rights: The Global Crisis of Noncommunicable Diseases including guest lectures of Dr. Jasper Been (Erasmus MC Rotterdam), Dr. Machteld Hylkema (UMCG), Dr. Jitse van Dijk (UMCG), Mr. David Patterson (IDLO), Prof. Annemieke Hoek (UMCG), Prof. Brigit Toebes (GHLG) and Dr. Marie Elske Gispen (GHLG).

6 June 2018

Seminar International Law and Cannabis Policy: Options for Reform? With Dr. Allyn Taylor (University of Washington), co-organized with the Research Centre on Public Order, Anti-social Behavior and Security of the University of Groningen.

1 June 2018

Roundtable on the role of industries in the global increase of chronic diseases such as cancers, heart diseases, and diabetes in partnership with the Transboundary Legal Studies Department of the University of Groningen as part of their workshop and conference series on international law for the sustainable development goals. (NB: This roundtable is part of the Law & NCDs conference of 31 May - 1 June)

31 May - 1 June 2018

Conference Law & Noncommunicable Diseases: The Crosscutting Role of Law in NCD Control and Regulating Risk Factors. In collaboration with the European Association of Health Law and KU Leuven and with financial support of the Dutch Cancer Society and Kom op tegen Kanker. See for the full conference programme here.

30 May 2018

Preconference seminar on Comparisons of Dutch and Chinese health laws and systems in light of human rights.

7 May 2018

Workshop Gender, Health and Sustainable Development: The Role for International Human Rights Law (14.00-18.30, University College Groningen), in partnership with the Transboundary Legal Studies Department of the University of Groningen as part of their workshop and conference series on international law for the sustainable development goals.

5 July 2016

Film Screening of Fire in the Blood presented by GHLG in partnership with the Groningen chapters of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines and the International Federation of Medical Student Associations.

4-8 July 2016

Summer School on Non-Communicable Diseases & the Law presented by GHLG in partnership with Healthy Ageing & the Global Health section at the University Medical Centre Groningen.

28 April 2016

Gerrit-Jan Pulles (Attorney and doctoral researcher in Amsterdam): 'The judicial effect of economic and social rights in the Dutch legal order' (in Dutch).

10 March 2016

TTIP: the effects on health and health systems
This time we will focus on the effects on healthcare provision by TTIP. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed trade agreement between the EU and the US. What impact will the TTIP have on EU's domestic health and health systems? We are very pleased that Ass. Prof. Dean Harris (Gillings School of Global Public Health) will come to Groningen to give us a presentation on this topic. Dr Herman Voogsgeerd (University of Groningen) will give a response Harris’ lecture and Dr André de Hoogh (University of Groningen) will chair the meeting.

26 October 2015

Global Health Law Groningen Research Centre is pleased to announce fifth in the series of its seminars. The seminar entitled 'Challenges and Experiences in Domestic Implementation of the Right to Health' will focus on the issues of realisation and implementation of the human right to health in the national context. It will offer an overview of the most common struggles in domestic implementation of the right, as well as presentation of national experiences in Spain and China respectively.

22 September 2015

Human rights-based approaches and domestic legal responses to NCDs: lessons learned, in collaboration with t he International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and Working Group on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This expert meeting will focus on the relationship between non-communicable diseases and human rights. Using lessons from global responses to HIV/AIDS, we will be addressing how using the language and framework of international human rights can help to identify state responsibility and engage multiple actors to effectively respond to the global challenges being posed by non-communicable diseases, in particular obesity and diabetes.

29 May 2015

Seminar Health & human rights on the Ground (Van Swinderen Huys, Oude Boteringestraat, Club Lounge) How do you actually apply the right to health on the ground? The Danish Institute for Human Rights is developing the AAAQ Toolbox – an innovative assessment tool that offers practical guidance for state, business and civil society actors. Senior advisor Mads Holst Jensen PhD and researcher Lena Kähler MSc have shared their experiences working with a variety of actors including pharmaceutical companies to translate the right to health from principles into action on the ground.

9 March 2015

This event focussed on health sector corruption as an important issue of concern under international human rights law, health law, and global health governance. This session seeked to provide various legal and practical responses to the problems of corruption in the health system. Speaker: Professor Dean Harris :  ‘Corruption in Health Systems - From A Global Perspective’. Dean Harris is a Clinical Associate Professor at Department of Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the United States. Subsequently, Eva Zhang did reflect on some issues in China and Dr Antenor Hallo de Wolf discussed the connections between (health sector) corruption and human rights.

19 February 2015

The first meeting of the Global Health Law Committee of the International Law Association took place in Geneva. The Committee was Chaired by Professor Frederic Abbott and Dr Brigit Toebes. The meeting focussed on 'health security' as an important theme under global health law, and in this context discussed the challenges posed by the recent ebola crisis. For more information see and see also

26 January 2015

Launch of Global Health Law Groningen. The event focussed on the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, one of the most successful instruments under global health law. Mr Phon van den Biessen, lawyer in the recent case against the Netherlands (on the perceived dense ties between the Dutch government and the tobacco industry) talked about his experiences in this case. After this introduction we had a panel discussion about the potential of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control with Mr van den Biessen and some experts from the University of Groningen.

9 October 2014

Seminar 'Access to essential medicines: an essential service?' (Seminar 7) This seminar was part of the seminar series Human Rights in Essential Public Service Provision, presented by the Groningen Centre for Law and Governance and the Groningen International School of Law.

Last modified:20 June 2024 1.46 p.m.