Energy Session Energy Academy Europe
The Energy Academy Europe is on its way to create an international centre
of excellence on energy education, research and innovation in Groningen. To raise
more awareness among students, we will organize, in cooperation with FC Groningen
and the Energy Valley Topclub, three times a year an event where students meet
with energy professionals to discuss energy related topics. FC Groningen is a
company that is committed to energy en sustainability; this is the reason why we
started this corporation.
The first meeting will take place on Wednesday May 2nd, before the match
FC Groningen - NAC Breda in the Euroborg Stadium. The program of the day will be
as follows:
- The meeting will start at 16:45h and the location will be Wolff Cinema, within the
Euroborg Stadium of FC Groningen. - The speaker will be the Director of the Energy Academy Europe, Dr. Noé van Hulst
After his lecture, you will be split up into groups of 8-10 students to discuss energy
related statements, introduced by Noé van Hulst. You will discuss these statement
together with a professional from the Energy Valley Topclub companies. - After the session you are all invited to join us for the soccer match, which will
start at 20:00h. Before the match you will be offered something to eat.
You can all subscribe yourselves by sending an e-mail to one of the below mentioned
coordinators of the Energy Academy Europe. This e-mail should contain your name and
your study. This meeting, as well as the soccer match, will be free of charge! We
hope to see you all on the 2nd of May!
Sincerely yours,
Mart Beune, Coordinator Energy Academy Europe
T: 06-20431695
E: m.g.beune
Jorrit Nijholt, Coordinator Energy Academy Europe
T: 06-28502806
E: j.e.nijholt
Laatst gewijzigd: | 19 januari 2024 11:19 |
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