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Alternative Legalities: How the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Fractures International Law

Russia justifies the invasion of Ukraine not by pointing at specific rules and treaties, but through historical examples and myths. An appeal to NATO expansion and condemnation of Western hypocrisy are accompanied by references to Russia’s sovereignty, its glorious past and the uniqueness of Russian civilization.

This constructs a parallel legal reality in which rules no longer play a central role and which infringes on international law as a universal system of norms for the conduct of states. Gorobets’ legal philosophical research project will analyze this alternative version of international law and its imperialistic potential. The first step is focusing on the structure of Russia’s alternative legality by means of legal philosophy and methods of narrative analysis.

Duration of the project

2024 - 2027

Awarded grant

320,000 euros, obtained from Dutch Research Council Veni funding

Contact person at our Faculty

Dr. K.V. (Kostia) Gorobets

Website with additional information

Last modified:18 July 2024 10.44 a.m.
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