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About us Faculty of Law Research Scholarships, prizes and subsidies Consortium Projects

European Papers

European Papers is a Jean Monnet network (EP-JMN) funded by the European Union under Erasmus+. The aim of this network was to ensure the sustainability of the journal European Papers by strengthening and further developing its activities. The EP-JMN is conceived as a tool to advance the European integration process using European Papers as a platform. The study of European integration laid behind all the workshops, Summer Schools, lecturers and other events of the project.

The EP-JMN Partner Universities aspired to go beyond the existing standards of research in EU law. They also wanted to stimulate the debate about the future of the integration process not only in the partner institutions, but also at a European and a global level. The EU-JMN is built on very solid basis since the Universities of Salamanca, Rome (Sapienza and UnitelmaSapienza), Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Amsterdam (VU), Konstanz and Groningen are leading universities in the field of European Studies. From Groningen, Prof. Ramses Wessel and Dr Justin Lindeboom participated in the project.

Duration of the project

2019 – 2023

Awarded grant

7,800 euros, obtained from Jean Monnet Network (ERASMUS+ Program)

Contact persons at our Faculty

Prof. dr. R.A. (Ramses) Wessel
Mr. dr. J. (Justin) Lindeboom

Website with additional information

Last modified:09 July 2024 11.02 a.m.
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