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About us Faculty of Law Research Scholarships, prizes and subsidies Consortium Projects


ENGAGE is a consortium project, which brings together 13 academic institutions and think tanks from across Europe. It examines how the EU can effectively and sustainably meet strategic challenges by harnessing all of its tools to become a more assertive global actor.

The project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The 13 partners work closely together in analysing how the EU's role in the world can become more effective. It is an interdisciplinary project and the University of Groningen (Prof. Ramses Wessel and Dr Viktor Szép) is mainly responsible for the legal aspects of the questions as well as for an analysis of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).

Research on this topic has also led to an invitation in 2022 by the European Parliament to write a report on the possible introduction of qualified majority voting in CFSP. The goal is to precent decisions being blocked by just one or two Member States.

Duration of the project

2021 - 2024

Awarded grant

2,999,973 euros (of which 221,813 euros for the UG) obtained from Horizon 2020

Contact persons at our Faculty

Prof. dr. R.A. (Ramses) Wessel
Dr. V. (Viktor) Szép
Drs. A.M. (Alma) Erenstein

Websites with additional information

Last modified:09 July 2024 11.56 a.m.
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