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Workshop 8 Sustainable Development Goals: Renewable Energy in the SDGs: Barriers, Opportunities, Interaction

07 March 2019

On Thursday 28 February 2019, the inter-departmental research programme on energy and sustainability organised a workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals and renewable energy. The workshop was the 8 th and final workshop of a series which was initiated by the international law department in 2017 on various issues and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The programme of the workshop hosted 10 presentations of PhD researchers, scholars, and students of the RUG and external institutions. The presenters discussed different issues of challenges and opportunities for scaling up the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, in particular by assessing the facilitating or obstructing role of current international and regional legal arrangements, and also by considering new legal solutions. Lively discussions among the presenters, participants and moderators in the sessions underlined the urgency of the issues on the agenda.

The event was hosted by the Energy Academy , at Zernike, a building compliant with the highest standards of energy and sustainability and, thus, a suitable location for this workshop.
Group picture

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:05 January 2024 1.01 p.m.

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