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TRICI-Law Project Hosts Workshop: 'Customary International Law and its Interpretation in International Tax & Investment Law'

21 February 2019

On 20 February 2019 the TRICI-Law project hosted a workshop on 'Customary International Law and its Interpretation in International Tax & Investment Law' at the University of Groningen. The workshop was part of a two day research event co-organized by TRICI-Law and GLOBTAXGOV, as a cooperative event of two ERC-funded projects.

TRICI-Law workshop

The workshop was comprised of two panel discussions. The first panel focused on the manifestations of customary law in international investment law. In particular, the panelists tackled the following topics: interpretation v. identification of CIL in investment law cases, the relevance of customary law in the case of dual nationality, the interpretation of international customary rules on damages and reparation and the principle of good faith in international investment law. The second panel was devoted to discussions on the place of CIL in international tax law. The two panels were followed by a Q&A session.

The videos from the workshop will soon be available online on the project’s website and will be announced via Twitter and Facebook.

TRICI-Law workshop

This article was published by the Faculty of Law.

Last modified:18 January 2024 12.54 p.m.

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