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Stefan Weishaar moderator at conference on carbon pricing and aviation taxes

26 juni 2019

As reported in the national media, the high-level conference on carbon pricing and aviation taxes organized by the Ministry of Finance took place on the 20thand 21st of June in The Hague. If aviation was a country it would be the 6th largest emitter worldwide. The sector is rapidly growing and emissions are quickly outpacing technological advances. It is therefore striking to realize that aviation is not subject to anything close to a proper carbon price nor to taxes such as VAT.

The aim of the conference was to provide an opportunity for further discussions on these important issues. Political representatives and experts from several European countries were present as well as officials and experts from the European Commission.


The speakers included: Cora van Niewenhuizen (Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management), Menno Snel (State Secretary for Finance), Pierre Moscovici (Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs), Magdalena Andersson (Minister for Finance of Sweden), Brune Poirson (Secretary of State attached to the Minister of State, Minister of Ecological and Solidary Transition in France) and Beatriz Yordi (Director of EU and International Carbon Markets at DG Climate Action).

Together with Kurt Van Dender, Head of the Tax and Environment Unit at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and Mark Bressers, Director of the Dutch Emissions Authority, Professor of Law and Economics Stefan Weishaar from our faculty was moderating the sessions.

Left to right: Kurt Van Dender, Stefan Weishaar, Mark Bressers and Roderik van Grieken
Left to right: Kurt Van Dender, Stefan Weishaar, Mark Bressers and Roderik van Grieken

Dit bericht is geplaatst door de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.

Laatst gewijzigd:13 maart 2020 13:41

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