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Kochenov verwerft Émile Noël fellowship

07 mei 2009

Dimitry Kochenov of the department of European and Economic Law has been appointed an Émile Noël Fellow at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the New York University School of Law for the spring semester 2010. This fellowhip, which is one of the most competitive in the discipline, allows its recepients (from two to five scholars from all around the world each year) to work at the leading research centre in European Law headed by Prof. J.H.H. Weiler and spend several months in residence at NYU Law School. Dimitry's research will focus on the "Transformative Potential of Equality / Citizenship Interaction and Its Impact on the Future of EU Law".

This is the second time Émile Noël Fellowship goes to a lecturer from Groningen: Prof. Gareth Davies was a fellow in 2006. Dimitry Kochenov is the third Émile Noël fellow to represent a Dutch University in the history of the fellowship since its inception at Harvard in 1999.

Laatst gewijzigd:22 januari 2024 09:39

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