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About us Faculty of Law Current Affairs Calendar Conferences, symposiums, lectures Archive 16th Annual Legal Research Network Conference

16th Annual Legal Research Network Conference: Resilience

From:Tu 24-09-2024
Until:We 25-09-2024
Where:The conference takes place in the University Main Building (Universitetshuset). Biskopsgatan 3, Uppsala. Room X (Sal X).
Uppsala Universitet
Uppsala Universitet



The Faculties of Law of the Universities of Bristol, Budapest (ELTE), Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, Krakow, Lille, Roma Tre, Turku and Uppsala cordially invite researchers to the 16th annual Legal Research Network Conference on the 24th and 25th of September 2024. The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Aim of the Legal Research Network Conference

The LRN conference aims at creating a stimulating research environment and a common space for senior and junior scholars to present and discuss international oriented legal research. The conference provides for the opportunity for especially PhD students and early career academics to present their research and discuss their ideas with academics from the different Universities of the Legal Research Network. The conference language is English. The conference will be organized in-person.

2024 Conference Theme: Resilience

The theme of the 2024 LRN Conference is Resilience. In times of turbulence, wars, climate change and economic challenges, society and the legal system are put to the test. A general definition for resilience in a legal context could be:

The ability of a legal framework or mechanism to continue filling its main function also under exceptional pressure or disrupting events, or return to a state where it can fulfill its function after such events. It can also be the ability of the law to support or enable this ability in another kind of system (social, economic, socio-economic, ecological, etc).

Issues relating to resilience can be found in many areas of law, for example:

  • Environmental law:
    The ability of a legal framework to support the return of an ecosystem or a socioecological system to its previous state after a severely disrupting event, such as severe pollution, or to maintain certain functions, such as generation of some ecosystem services despite fundamental changes in relevant systems due to e.g. climate change.
  • Constitutional Law:
    The ability of constitutional systems to preserve their core values, such as the rule of law and democracy, under exceptional circumstances. Constitutional responses to challenging times could be institutional structures, organization of powers, mechanisms of control and accountability.
  • Financial Markets Law:
    Financial stability, even in times of economic downturn or crises, is a precondition for market functions such as payment systems, banking services and the free flow of capital. The legal frameworks in this area must address the need for a resilience in financial firms to manage unpredicted market events and to achieve sound risk cultures within firms.

Resilience is a broad theme and the call for papers (below) should be understood broadly.

Submission and deadlines

We welcome contributions in all legal areas where the theme of Resilience may be applied. The three key notes (see preliminary programme, below) may provide examples of ample areas and titles. We especially encourage doctoral and early career researchers to participate! Of course, you are most welcome to participate in the conference without submitting a paper.

Submission paper (abstract)
1 June 2024
Short proposal, max one A4, should be submitted to lrn-jur
Notification accepted papers
28 June 2024
Submission paper/ extended abstract
1 September 2024
The paper should consist of a minimum of 5 pages


The conference consists of in-person seminars. Depending on the number of contributions, panels may run in parallel.

Costs and venue

Participation is free of charge. Lunches, coffee and dinner are included without costs for all conference participants. Travel and accommodation costs are however not covered.

The conference takes place in the University Main Building (Universitetshuset). Biskopsgatan 3, Uppsala. Room X (Sal X).


For any further questions regarding this invitation, please email the planning board, consisting of David Langlet, Giulia Meo, Rebecca Söderström and Olof Wilske: lrn-jur

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