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13th Annual Conference Legal Research Network: Europe in 2021

When:Fr 24-09-2021
Where:Online (organized by Université de Lille)

The Law Faculties of the Universities of Bristol, Budapest (ELTE), Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, Lille, Turku and Uppsala cordially invite PhD students and Academics to participate in the 13th annual Legal Research Network Conference on 24 September 2021. The conference will be hosted (online) by the doctoral school of the University Lille.

elte law

Aim of the Legal Research Network Conference

The conference of the Legal Research Network (LRN) aims at creating a stimulating research environment and a common space for senior and junior scholars to present and discuss international oriented legal research. The conference provides for the opportunity for PhD students to present their research and discuss their ideas with Academics from the different Universities, members of the Legal Research Network, in a number of panels. The conference language is English.

2021 Conference Theme

Europe in 2021: what sense of belonging, what kind of vulnerabilities, what roles for new economic collaborations in the digital age?

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