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Workshop 8 Sustainable Development Goals: Renewable Energy in the SDGs: Barriers, Opportunities, Interaction(28 February 2019)

When:Th 28-02-2019 13:00 - 17:30
Where:Energy Academy, Nijenborgh 6, Groningen

The Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen cordially invites you to participate in the 8th Workshop of the 2017-2018 Workshop Series on International Law for the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop. The workshop is organized in the framework of the inter-departmental Research Programme Law on Energy & Sustainability.

This workshop aims to discuss the opportunities and barriers for scaling up the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, in particular by assessing the facilitating or obstructing role of current international and regional legal arrangements, and by considering new legal solutions.

Participation : Registration is appreciated (free). Registration is open to everyone who is interested, LLM and PhD students are especially encouraged.
To register and for questions about participation, contact lead-organisers for this workshop Lea Diestelmeier (l.diestelmeier and Ceciel Nieuwenhout (c.t.nieuwenhout

Call for Papers: This workshop had a running Call for Papers. The deadline to submit abstracts was 21 January 2019. Acceptance of submissions has been communicated by the end of January 2019. Please see for more information the Call for Papers as published below.



Opening Session

Welcome: Lea Diestelmeier and Ceciel Nieuwenhout , PhD Researchers at the Groningen Centre of Energy Law

Keynote: Renewable Energy and the SDGs: Insights from Practice
Emil Goosen, Entrepreneur, Chief Operations at AquaBattery, Sagar Energy Solutions

Session 1 - Financing SDG 7: Barriers and Responsibilities Across the Globe

Moderator: Prof. mr. dr. Marcel Brus , Professor of International Law, University of Groningen


The evolution of the CBDR principle in the UN climate regime: Lifting a profound barrier to the global low-carbon energy transition
Susann Handke, PhD Researcher, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University of Rotterdam

Renewable Energy in International Law: Regime Interaction between Climate, Trade and Investment Law
Alessandro Monti, PhD Researcher, University of Innsbruck, visiting researcher, University of Copenhagen

The Energy Charter Treaty in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: International protection of investment in RES in the post Achmea era
Martin Švec , PhD Researcher, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno

SDGs and Energy Transition Subsidy Policies
Henok Asmelash, PhD Researcher in International Law and Economics, Bocconi University, Milan, research fellow, Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law, Luxembourg

14.45-15.00 Coffee break

Session 2 - Just Transition: Rights and Public Participation

Moderator: Prof. mr. dr. Herman Bröring, Professor of Administrative Law, University of Groningen


Climate Change Mitigation and Renewable Energy: A Rights-Based Perspective
Eadbhard Pernot, LLM Student, Energy and Climate Law, University of Groningen

Just transition, SIDS and EU islands
Dr. Romain Mauger, Postdoctoral researcher, Groningen Centre of Energy Law, University of Groningen

Not-Under-My-Back-Yard: From Public Participation to Energy Democracy - the case of climate-friendly subsoil energy
Dr. Ruven Fleming, Assistant Professor, Groningen Centre of Energy Law, University of Groningen


Session 3 - Regional Perspectives on SDGs and the Energy Transition

Moderator: Prof. dr. Edwin Woerdman , Professor of Markets and Regulation, University of Groningen

SDGs in Latin America: A Look at the Role of Renewable Energy
Margarita Nieves Zárate, PhD Researcher, Groningen Centre of Energy Law, University of Groningen

IEA’s key role in enhancing international cooperation for the development of renewable energies worldwide – case study of Mexico
Paola Jimenez Casanova, LLM Student, Energy and Climate Law, University of Groningen
Aurea Maria Fuentes Morales, LLM in Environmental Law and Policy, Stanford Law School

Assessment of the Threshold for the Economic Policy Improvement in the Rentier States
Dr. Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada, Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Development Research and Development Policy, Ruhr-University Bochum
Andrea Gatto, PhD Researcher, Parthenope University of Naples, Visiting Research Fellow, Aarhus University


Closing remarks: Prof. mr. dr. Martha Roggenkamp , professor of Energy Law, Director of GCEL, University of Groningen

17.45-18.30 Drinks
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