12th Annual Legal Research Network Conference: Autonomy
From: | We 18-09-2019 |
Until: | Fr 20-09-2019 |
Where: | Law Faculty of the University ELTE, Budapest |
In 2019, the host for the upcoming Legal Research Network Conference (18-20 September 2019) will be the Law Faculty of the University ELTE Budapest. The event is part of the annual activities of the Legal Research Network (LRN), a cooperation between the Law Faculties of eight European universities: Bristol, Budapest, Ghent, Göttingen, Groningen, Lille, Turku, and Uppsala. Every year around September, a LRN conference takes place hosted by one of the eight partner Faculties.

The conference theme will be " Autonomy ". Autonomy is a basic principle of modern society, as well as of each and every legal system. Across all fields of law, the concept of autonomy has its special implications. Law protects the autonomy of individuals and associations by defending the boundaries of their own self-rule. Autonomy has not only to be assured and protected, but its content has to be defined and its limits set. Autonomy cannot be absolute and should not lead to the detriment of other values. Thus, complex questions arise which may be addressed from different angles and on different levels.
The Law Faculty of the University ELTE Budapest encourages both junior and senior scholars – including PhD students – to submit an abstract (300 words max. in Word or PDF) on a topic for presentation to the Organizing Committee at LRN2019 ajk.elte.hu until 20 June 2019. In addition to the abstract, please provide the name, affiliation and contact details of the author.
Proposals will be selected on the basis of the submitted abstracts and successful applicants will be informed by 1 July 2019.
Your active participation in this conference will be very much appreciated! Many thanks in advance.