Law and Noncommunicable Diseases
From: | Th 31-05-2018 |
Until: | Fr 01-06-2018 |
Where: | Groningen, The Netherlands |
Law and Noncommunicable Diseases: The crosscutting role of law in NCD control and regulating risk factors

Full conference programme including bios and abstracts online [pdf]
Confirmed speakers
- Professor Amandine Garde - University of Liverpool on: From tobacco control to NCD prevention: addressing the commercial determinants of health in liberal market economies
- Dr. Sakari Karjalainen - President of the Association of European Cancer Leagues on: The current political field on law and NCDs in Europe
High-level panelist
- Dr. Allyn Taylor - University of Washington (USA)
- Prof. Stefania Negri - University of Salerno (IT)
- Dr. John Lombard - University of Limerick (IE)
- Dr. Jasper Been - Erasmus MC Rotterdam (NL)
- Dr. Jeroen Luyten - KU Leuven (BE)
The global rise of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes, is one of the main concerns of global health. Law has a cross-cutting role in NCD prevention and regulating the tobacco, (excessive) alcohol use, unhealthy diets and lack of physical activity as the four main behavioral risk factors associated with the global NCDs crisis. Understanding law not just as the baseline but rather the red line of the debate, this conference aims to distill and discuss the (future) role of law in NCD control in light of the multifaceted complexity of the NCD crisis in general.
With support of the European Association of Health Law, the European Scientific Network on Law and Tobacco (ESNLT) as led by the Global Health Law Groningen Research Centre of the Department of Transboundary Legal Studies, of the University of Groningen (UG), and the Leuven Institute for Healthcare Policy and the Leuven Centre for Public Law of the KU Leuven invite you to participate in the two-day conference on law and NCDs.
During this two-day conference, we aim to bring together leading scholars, young researchers and practitioners from all over the world to share insights on recent research and developments on the crosscutting role of law in NCD prevention and regulating NCD-related risk factors.
Target audience and disciplines
The target audience includes law and policymakers, civil society and practitioners and academia. While the role of law is central and overarching discipline, this conference is open to a range of other disciplines that may inform (health) law. See for a non-exhaustive list below:
Law | Sciences |
(international, regional, domestic) Human rights law | Medicine |
(international, EU and domestic) Health law | Behavioral sciences |
Law and sociology, ethics, economics | Health sciences |
Legal theory and philosophy of law | Health economics |
International relations and governance |
Call for abstracts and important information
To assure a broad international and national exchange, we cordially invite you to submit your abstracts. Please look at our detailed call for abstracts including four different tracks and take note of the important dates and information below:
- Abstract submission by 7 April 2018
- Abstract notification by 21 April 2018
- Registration open by 1 March 2018 (NB: Spaces are limited; registrations are accepted on a first-come first-in basis)
- Limited travel grants are available for early career researchers working on law and tobacco control. NB: Please send a short CV including publications and short motivation letter to when you submit your abstract and indicate: Travel grant/fee waiver in the subject line.
- Depending on the number of abstracts, we might organize a PhD Seminar on Wednesday 30 May 2018.
We look forward to welcoming you to Groningen!
Prof. Brigit Toebes |
Prof. Steven Lierman |
For more information contact Dr. Marie Elske Gispen
This conference is organized with financial support from the Dutch Cancer Society and Kom op tegen Kanker