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Linking Climate Change policies – Korean and Chinese perspectives and opportunities

When:Th 07-12-2017 09:00 - 17:00
Where:Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) Koningskade 4, 2596 AA Den Haag
climate policy workshop
climate policy workshop


9:00 – 9:40

Linking of Climate Change policies

Stefan Weishaar, Groningen University, MIT CEEPR
Linking emission trading schemes: benefits, risks and the devil in the detail

Erik van Andel, Dutch Emissions Authority
Policy dialogues and Linking (ICAP, G7) (tentative title)

9:40 – 10:25

Emissions Trading Systems

Dennis Holtrop, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
EU ETS post 2020 – Key elements of the new ETS Directive

Eunjung Kim, Korean Legislative Research Institute
Korean ETS

10:25 – 10:40 Break
10:40 – 11:30

Litigation experiences - challenges to climate change policies

Jinhyo Kim, The ITC (International Trade Consultant), Seoul
Case law in Korea

Marjan Peeters, Maastricht University
Litigation and the EU ETS

11:30 – 12:40

International perspectives on Linking

Xiaoping Zhang, Central University of Finance and Economics
Chinese ETS and Energy policy

Yingying Zeng, Groningen University
Challenges and prospect of linking carbon ETSs in the EU, Korea and China

Fitsum Tiche, Groningen University
Linking EU and Korean Climate Change policies: prospects and challenges

12:40-13:40 Lunch
13:40 – 15:15

Climate and Energy perspectives

Mascha Wijnberger, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
The Dutch ‘Regeerakkoord’ and its implications for Energy and Climate policy in the coming years

Hyungna Oh, Kyung Hee University
Korean Energy policy and implication for Climate change

Sunkung Choi, Groningen University
Price and Risk perception: consumer behaviour in the electricity market

Roy Partain, University of Aberdeen
Earthquakes, Nuclear Power, and South Korea’s new circumstances

15:15 – 15:25 Break
15:25 – 16:15

Climate and Energy Regulation

Youngcheul Ahn and Kabsoo Lee, Pusan University
International Market Power and E-trading

Roy Partain, University of Aberdeen
Efficient Development and Enforcement of a Regulatory Framework for Private Operators in South Korea’s Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage Activities’

16:15 Closing Remarks


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