Research seminar: Legal dimensions of protecting children against tobacco-related harm
When: | Tu 27-06-2017 13:45 - 19:00 |
Where: | ‘t Feithhuis, Groningen (NL) |
The European Scientific Network on Law and Tobacco (ESNLT) as led by Global Health Law Groningen Research Centre, Department of International Law, the University of Groningen, Cordially invites you to its Research seminar: Legal dimensions of protecting children against tobacco-related harm. Tuesday 27 June 2017: 13.45-19.00 – ‘t Feithhuis, Groningen (NL)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), six million people die annually due to tobacco- related illness. In this context, children are particularly vulnerable in context of tobacco production, use, and exposure to tobacco smoke. For instance, children often work in tobacco farming, they are specifically targeted by the tobacco industry as ‘replacement smokers’, and often cannot withdraw themselves from situations in which is smoked. In addition, it is important to note that according to American research, 90% of all smokers start before the age of 18.
Governments have adopted a wide range of international, regional, and domestic legal and policy measures to protect children against tobacco related harm. Especially in the context of smoking/cessation and protection against secondhand smoke, multisector approaches ranging from tax measures, public/private smoking bans, display bans, and packaging restrictions, to more comprehensive programs such as tobacco-free initiatives and endgame strategies are introduced at international, regional, and domestic level to redress tobacco-related health infirmity and ensure a tobacco free generation. While many tobacco-related studies use the adoption of a law, regulation, or policy as timeline or benchmark, we aim to set the stage for more normative discussions into the legal aspects of protecting children against tobacco-related harm.
For a detailed programme click here.
The seminar is open to a multidisciplinary scientific audience, practitioners, and civil society representatives. While participation is free of charge, there are only limited spaces available and registration is required.
Please e-mail Marie Elske Gispen (m.e.c.gispen before 20 June 2017 to register for this event and indicate whether you will stay for the reception.