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17th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation: Smart instrument mixes in a greening economy

When:Th 22-09-2016 09:00 - 18:00
Where:GCET17 on 22 and 23 September 2016 in Martini Plaza, Springerzaal/Foyer, Groningen, The Netherlands

Over the past 16 years, the GCET conferences have materialized as a useful and important meeting place for experts and scholars from all parts of the world taking interest in experiences and insights relating to environmental taxation in a wide sense. The fiscal perspective has also become significant following the recent economic and financial crisis. The GCET community has generated lots of insights into taxes, fees and other environmental instruments. How to employ different environmental regulatory instruments in harmony in order to orchestrate effective and efficient policy has not yet been a focal point of interest. Given the advances in our understanding of individual instruments it is high time to examine how these instruments are working in conjunction with each other.

The conference will explore a wide range of instrument mixes and topics extending from charges, fees, taxes, subsidies, tax expenditures, emissions trading, linking of emission trading systems, green fiscal reforms and budget constraints, and voluntary approaches from economic, legal and policy perspectives. According to the tradition of the GCET conferences, contributions by academic scholars are encouraged as well as contributions from experts representing national and international administrations and organizations and also this year a selection of the best contributions will be published in the prestigious peer-reviewed edited volume “Critical issues in environmental taxation” from Edward Elgar publishers.

Click here for detailed information on the conference.

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