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International conference Acting Together in Crime, European and International Aspects

When:Fr 17-10-2014 09:45 - 16:00
Where:Van Swinderen Huys, Oude Boteringestraat 19, Groningen, The Netherlands

The Department of Criminal law and Criminology of the University of Groningen and the Groningen Centre for Law and Governance will host an international conference on acting together in crime.

Criminal liability as it pertains to joint participation in criminal offences has been extensively discussed throughout the last decade in The Netherlands. Various judgments from the Supreme Court have addressed this criminal concept and have expanded the interpretation of this legal construct. As a result, the legal relationship between the Dutch concepts of ‘joint perpetration’ (medeplegen) and ‘assistance to criminal offences’ (medeplichtigheid) has changed.

This conference focusses on this trend in the light of five decisions rendered by the Dutch Supreme Court that discuss joint perpetration and assistance to criminal offences. These cases and their outcomes will be discussed against the background of the law on participation in crime in Dutch, French, German, Austrian and Italian criminal law.

As this conference discusses the legal evolution of participation in crime in The Netherlands, as well as addresses the various legal approaches implemented in the surrounding aforementioned countries, this conference is of interest to legal scholars, members of the judiciary, legislators and other legal practitioners.

Read more, see the programme.

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