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Dimitry Kochenov: 'Warum eigentlich sollte es keine Staatsbürgerschaft für Investoren geben?'

28 February 2014
Prof. Dimitry Kochenov (EU Constitutional Law) published a small opinion piece in Die Presse (Austria) on the legality of citizenship by investment in the context of European Union law. The piece is a reply to an article published earlier by Prof. Hilpold, who is of a different opinion. Prof. Kochenov makes it abundantly clear that Hilpold's arguments do not stand (in German).
EU Citizenship is one of Dimitry's main specializations. His latest article on the legal aspects of this status appeared three weeks ago in the Cambridge Yearbook of European Law and Policy. (

Last modified:13 June 2023 11.05 a.m.

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