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Symposium Between heaven and hell. Religious and spiritual experiences in the context of mental health care

When:Th 30-01-2020 14:00 - 17:00
Where:Doopsgezinde kerk Groningen, Oude Boteringestraat 33, 9712 GD Groningen
Between heaven and hell

Religious and spiritual experiences are generally considered as very 'real' for those who have them. Do they refer to a divine reality, and what do they mean? How can we distinguish between healthy and pathological religious experiences? How does clinical practice take into account these topics in communication and treatment?

Eva Ouwehand’s dissertation: Mania and meaning. A mixed methods study into religious experiences in people with bipolar disorder: Occurrence and significance shows that spirituality and religious or spiritual experiences are important for people with a mental disorder. But there are still many questions left. This symposium will address some of these questions and focuses on the relation between religiosity and psychopathology from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The symposium will take place after the promotion ceremony of Eva Ouwehand (11.00-12.30, nearby in the Academy Building). Prior to the official symposium program, there is time to meet and greet.

Admission is free, but please register by sending an email to n.zonneveld, specifying if you are student, spiritual caregiver, mental health professional or otherwise. A voluntary contribution for lunch for other participants than guests would be appreciated.

Time schedule

12.30-14.00 Meet and greet: coffee, tea, lunch
14.00 Welcome

Dr. Hanneke Muthert
Assistant professor Psychology of Religion and Spiritual Care, University of Groningen.

14.05-14.35 Hearing voices, hearing the divine? Prof. dr. Christopher Cook
Durham University, Department Theology and Religion.
Director of the Centre for Spirituality, Theology & Health.
14.35-14.45 Response Drs. Arthur Hegger
Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Eleos
14.45-15.15 Meaning in life-narratives of people with psychosis. A case-study approach. Prof. dr. Lars Danbolt
MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society (Practical Theology/Psychology of Religion), Oslo.
15.15-15.25 Response Drs. Irene Plaatsman-van der Wal
Health care chaplain Lentis
15.25-15.45 Coffee and tea
15.45-16.15 Integrating meaning and spirituality in personalized care in bipolar disorder: a role for treatment guidelines? Prof. Ralph Kupka, MD, PhD
Professor of Bipolar Disorders, Amsterdam University Medical Center / Vrije Universiteit, Dept. of Psychiatry.
16.15-16.25 Response


16.25-17.00 Panel discussion

Accreditatie bij de SKGV is aangevraagd

Centre for Religion, Health and Well-being: Hetty Zock, Hanneke Muthert & Eva Ouwehand

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