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Call for Applications Dirk Smilde Scholarship 2022

24 January 2022

In addition to the Dirk Smilde Fellowship, the Qumran Institute of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies (University of Groningen) is happy to announce the Dirk Smilde Scholarship for excellent PhD students and postdocs in the fields of Hebrew Bible, early Judaism and Dead Sea Scrolls.

The scholarship amounts to € 1,000 a month. Regarding the duration of the scholarship, we offer a range between a minimum of two and a maximum of four months. This should start March 2022 at the earliest and end June 2022 at the latest.

The scholarship will coincide with the residence of the 2022 Dirk Smilde Fellow, Prof. Dr. Jutta Jokiranta (University of Helsinki), at the Qumran Institute of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies from April to June 2022. The recipient of the scholarship will participate in the research seminar led by Professor Jokiranta as well as the intellectual community of the Institute and the Faculty. The proposed project should fit within the research theme “Ritual Studies and the Dead Sea Scrolls”.

Awards are made on academic merit, evaluated by an academic committee.

To apply, please submit the following materials no later than 11 February 2022:

  1. A letter of interest, also mentioning the duration of the stay in Groningen
  2. A brief CV
  3. A description of the proposed research project
  4. Max. 2 published or unpublished work related to the project
  5. Two references

The deadline for submission is 11 February 2022. Applications for the scholarship should be submitted to Ayhan Aksu: a.w.aksu

Enquiries should be addressed to Dr. Arjen Bakker: a.f.bakker

Last modified:12 June 2023 8.20 p.m.
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