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Nolda Tipping-Griffioen: Digitization is crucial for the university of the future

10 February 2025
Nolda Tipping-Griffioen (Photo: Mariska de Groot)
Nolda Tipping-Griffioen (Photo: Mariska de Groot)

On 1 July 2024, Nolda Tipping-Griffioen started as Director of the Center for Information Technology (CIT) and Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the University of Groningen. By now, she has been at the helm of the University’s IT organization for a good six months. The beginning of the year is the perfect time to look back on the first period and, more importantly, to look ahead to the future. Where are we now, which topics will be important in the coming period, and what are the challenges?

Tipping-Griffioen came in last year right when the 60th anniversary celebrations of the University’s computing facilities were approaching: on 12 November 1964, the doors of the then Computing Centre of the University were officially opened. It was the start of an unprecedented development: over the past sixty years, digitization has taken off in all areas of society and thus also at the University. Tipping-Griffioen: ‘During the anniversary celebrations in November, together with Hans Biemans of the Board of the University, Joost Frenken, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, and others, we paused to reflect on the enormous transformation that the University has undergone in the past sixty years after the introduction of the first computers.’

Basic facility and connector

The rise of cloud computing and AI, for example, shows that developments will only accelerate in the future. Meanwhile, IT has become a basic facility that enables staff and students to achieve excellent results in research, teaching, and societal impact. ‘Across the axis of technology, it is possible to increasingly connect with the region in the coming years, working together with other educational institutions and the business community in the North,’ says Tipping-Griffioen.

Lots of creativity and passion

Over the past year, Tipping-Griffioen has experienced the CIT as an organization with a lot of deep and diverse expertise, from High Performance Computing, AI, Large Language Models, and visualization to teacher professionalization and AV services. ‘It’s an organization with many inspired and highly competent staff members, and I’m really proud of that. During the anniversary week, I was positively surprised at what people had come up with to show what they are working on. And how they talk about it full of enthusiasm: so much creativity and passion. I like that and it gives me a lot of energy.’

Lots of creativity during the CIT Lustrum
Lots of creativity during the CIT LustrumI am an endurance runner and I can go for the long haul in the work field too!'

At the same time, Tipping-Griffioen sees that there are still steps to be made, for example by getting the teams to work together even better. ‘I would like to work with the organization to create even more connections across teams and domains. If we work more with customer chains and a product services catalogue, this will also create more clarity for the customer. It would be great if this results in the CIT being seen as an equal professional party in the future. On the inside, we can have confidence in ourselves in a large number of areas, and towards the customer, we can be an equal partner. I think the ingredients for this are definitely there, many of our people want to move forward. It's just a matter of channelling the energy in the right direction. I would also like us to be able to strengthen our role towards the region. I see opportunities to focus even more on cooperation with organizations such as the University of the North, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, UMCG, and NOM.’

More time for innovation

The CIT is an organization with a wide range of expertise. ‘Technically, we are doing well, but we need to become much more predictable, for example. Start using a calendar for replacement processes so we know exactly which replacements are coming and when. It should actually become a bit more boring and predictable, so that there is more time for innovation. You can only do that with a better connection across teams that puts you more in control. And, crucially, that also creates more room for job satisfaction and development.’

Ownership around products and services could also be more clearly attributed, according to Tipping-Griffioen. ‘If people feel more ownership and stand up for things to be arranged, I think we will get a long way. As the management team, we want to set an example in this. Having a common vision is part of this, with a common annual calendar comprising initiatives that will be carried out in the coming period. If we develop this further in the coming period, you will get enormous energy in the organization.’
In addition, she has plans to implement a number of concrete things, such as ISO certification and maturity level 3. ‘Certifications and audits are not the goal, but they are signs that make it visible that we are maturing. It enables your clients to take you seriously, that they know the CIT is a qualitatively sound party.’

Interpretation of CIO role

In terms of the UG-wide strategy formation, Tipping-Griffioen tries to position the CIT and, by extension, technology more centrally within the UG. This is her interpretation of her role as the University’s CIO: to set the course with regard to digitization and connect initiatives in the field of AI and technology. The presentation she gave at the request of the Board of Deans to mark her first 100 days fits in with this. ‘It gave me the opportunity to highlight important tech topics.’

Another example is the decision-making around an important project with UG-wide impact: replacing the University Workstation (UWP). ‘The University Council recently approved the project proposal for phase 1 of the new digital workplace. This is a complex process that we will be working on in the coming years. University Services also recently launched a project on the workplace of the future focusing on hybrid workplaces. These two projects coming from different organizational units are now connected. This is a good development and I find it important to seek cooperation on content. We also collaborate with a number of faculties, the University Library, and University Services when it comes to the development of data governance. The focus is always on what is good for the University.’

I am an endurance runner and I can go for the long haul in the work field too!

Digitization is more than a means

In the coming year, developing a digitization strategy will be a key topic. A lot of universities already have such a strategy. ‘The plan is to make digitization an integral part of the UG strategy and the institutional plan. This includes governance and guidelines to prioritize and also to, for example, keep an eye on the compliance of AI applications. Taking these actions would demonstrate that digitization is more than just a means, it is a tool to achieve the University’s ambitions.

Tipping-Griffioen is optimistic about the future of the UG. 'Digitization is going to contribute to the baggage we want to give students by the time they enter the job market. In addition, digitization is going to increase the value in the region. It may take some time, but I am an endurance runner and I can go for the long haul in the work field too!'

Last modified:11 February 2025 5.11 p.m.
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