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New mobile Spraaklab to study dialects and articulation

17 February 2021

The Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen can now deploy a new tool for linguistic research: mobile lab 'Spraaklab'. Spraaklab comprises a workplace for researchers and a separate, sound-proofed room where state-of-the-art recording equipment can be used to obtain high-quality research data. The lab will be used for linguistic research, for example on patients with Parkinson’s disease and during public events.

From tongue movements to articulation in patients with Parkinson’s

Spraaklab can be used for various types of research. Researchers can use it to make speech recordings and, with some additional equipment, they can also register eye movements and EEG brain signals as well as measuring tongue and lip movements during speech. The lab is mobile, enabling researchers to study vulnerable and less mobile groups and to collect research data in a more efficient way. Spraaklab will, for example, be used to research changes and variation in Lower Saxon and Frisian dialects, as well as in a nationwide study on articulation in people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. In addition, the lab can be used to showcase and increase the visibility of the UG Faculty of Arts. The mobile laboratory was tailor-made by Coxx Mobile Systems and Carrosserie Akkermans.

Check out this video on the importance and launching of the Spraaklab.

More information

Martijn Wieling, Spraaklab coordinator

Last modified:22 February 2021 11.50 a.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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