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University of Groningen and Energy Academy Europe launch unique massive online open course (MOOC) on Energy Transition

24 September 2015
Participants will analyse the energy transition question in their own country. Copyright: Nationale Beeldbank

This fall, the University of Groningen and Energy Academy Europe will launch a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on the topic of energy transition. A multidisciplinary approach is needed in order to solve the energy puzzle. This free course provides a unique approach, taking advantage of the broad range of scientific disciplines within the University of Groningen. The course is aimed at both academic students as well as professionals and starts on October 12th .

Energy is critically important for human development. Today, the world is confronted with pressing global challenges: climate protection, economic and social development, poverty eradication, adequate food production, health for all, and the conservation of ecosystems, peace and security. In order to solve these challenges, a major transformation – the energy transition – is required. Energy transition, however, is not a simple question with straightforward solutions. The Energy MOOC provides the unique multidisciplinary approach which is essential for the needed transformation, considering technological, legal, economic, spatial and social aspects of the energy transition.

Major sustainability issues

By offering this unique MOOC, the University of Groningen and Energy Academy Europe provide an understanding of major sustainability issues around the global energy system and the urgency of the energy transition. It identifies the key factors of each aspect of the energy transition, and provides the knowledge and framework to analyse the question yourself.

The course is accessible for anyone interested in the topic. The course takes seven weeks to complete. For about four hours per week the course teaches and engages students with video’s, articles, discussions and quizzes. In the final week of the course, participants will use the knowledge and skills acquired to analyse the energy transition question in their own country. The MOOC starts on October 12th, and participation is free:


For more information, please have a look at the trailer:

Last modified:16 January 2025 2.13 p.m.
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