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Vidi grant for Dr. Jan Anton Koster

20 May 2014

Monday, 19th of May 2014, NWO announced the 2013 round VIDI laureates. We congratulate Dr. L.J.A. (Jan Anton) Koster of the Photophysiscs and OptoElectronics group for receiving this prestigious grant. Below you find a short summary of the awarded project in English and Dutch.

A new efficiency regime for organic solar cells: Reducing recombination losses

Organic solar cells have many potential advantages over their inorganic counterparts – such as cheaper manufacturing, and being flexible and lightweight. Their development has been hampered by the main bottleneck in the field, namely recombination. This VIDI research will uncover the physics of this process so as to enable its reduction.

Efficiënte organische zonnecellen

Organische zonnecellen zijn een veelbelovend, nieuw type zonnecel. Om ze commerciëel toe te kunnen passen moet hun efficiëntie worden verbeterd. Daarom gaan de onderzoekers uitzoeken hoe het weglekken van ladingen in zulke zonnecellen kan worden onderdrukt.

Image LJA Koster
Image LJA Koster
Last modified:08 July 2014 12.16 p.m.
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