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Ambassador of Mongolia to deliver keynote speech at CEASG Launch Conference

01 May 2014

H.E. Davaadorj, Ambassador of Mongolia, will be opening the Launch Conference of the Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen (CEASG) of the University of Groningen. Davaadorj will give a keynote speech on ‘Mongolia and the EU’.

The Launch Conference marks the beginning of the Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen. The conference theme is ‘East Asia and the European Union, strong Economics, weak Politics?’ The conference will be held in the Academy Building, on 8-9 May 2014. The International Director of the CEASG, Prof. Tjalling Halbertsma, holds the Chair by special appointment for East Asia and Modern Mongolia. This new chair, which is part of the new East Asia programme at the University of Groningen, will monitor, analyse and interpret the economic and political opportunities and challenges of this country as it emerges strongly within the region.

Conference theme

When people in East Asia reflect on Europe nowadays, their immediate association is likely to be the Eurozone debt crisis. Asian countries, particularly China, are monitoring the crisis with fervent interest because the EU is one of their largest export markets. Mutual economic relations seem to be affected by lower demand and expectations. Yet, despite the crisis, the EU can still make its influence felt in Asia, particularly in the area of trade. After all, the countries taking part in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) together represent more than 60 percent of global commerce.

The Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen

The Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen (CEASG) aims to initiate and support inter-disciplinary teaching and research on China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia, and strengthen and broaden the University’s academic partnerships in East Asia. The Centre coordinates the Master’s specialization in East Asian Studies, starting in September 2014.

CEASG is a partner of the University’s study centres in Beijing, Shanghai and Osaka: the Dutch Study Centre at Fudan University (Shanghai), the European Study Centre at Tsinghua University (Beijing) and the Dutch Study Centre at Osaka University (Osaka). The CEASG is an inter-faculty institute of the University of Groningen, inaugurated by the Faculty of Arts and facilitated by Globalisation Studies Groningen .

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Last modified:25 January 2022 2.48 p.m.
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