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Royal decorations for six University of Groningen staff members

25 April 2014

On Friday 25 April 2014, six University of Groningen nominees received a Royal Decoration. Prof. F. (Feikje) Vellinga-Schootstra has been appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau. Prof. D. (Douwe) Draaisma and Prof. A.J.J.M. (Wied) Ruijssenaars and prof. dr. R.H.A. (Robert) van der Meer have been appointed Officers of the Order of Orange-Nassau and Prof. G.J. (Gillis) Dorleijn and Prof. J. (John) Nerbonne have been appointed Knights of the Order of the Netherlands Lion.

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Last modified:17 September 2021 09.30 a.m.
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