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Research Insitute NIDI continues

Demographic top research continues in The Netherlands
12 March 2014

The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI-KNAW) can continue to research at its current level. In May last year, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) announced it was going to stop funding demographic research.  The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the University of Groningen have decided to fund this important knowledge instutute themselves.

Preserve top-quality research

Thanks to structural financial support from the KNAW and the University of Groningen, top-quality interdisciplinary research into population issues will continue in the Netherlands. This is proper recognition of the importance of demographic research, for example on the consequences of a general ageing of the population. Once the Ministry of OCW had announced it was stopping its funding, the board of the KNAW set up a committee of independent experts to assess the scientific value of the NIDI and the importance of its independent position. At the same time, the Board of the University of Groningen investigated the level of support within the University for strengthening the links with the NIDI.


In October 2013, the ‘Kwaliteit, rol en belang van het NIDI’ [Quality, role and importance of the NIDI] committee, chaired by Emeritus Professor Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes, concluded in its report that the scientific quality of the NIDI is very good to excellent. In the committee’s opinion, the institute holds a central, agenda-setting position in both national and international demographic research.


The conclusion of the investigation by the Board of the University of Groningen was that there are numerous areas of overlap between the activities of the NIDI and its own teaching and research. There turns out to be wide support for more intensive cooperation with the NIDI, particularly in relation to the sustainable society and healthy ageing themes.

NIDI’s future

The KNAW and the University of Groningen will each contribute about € 1 million a year to the basic funding of the NIDI. Naturally the NIDI will continue to cover a substantial part of its budget by competing for grants, particularly at European level. The NIDI will stay in The Hague.
Last modified:13 March 2020 02.20 a.m.
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