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Development of a continuous glucose monitor based on microfluidics

16 March 2012

PhD ceremony: Mr. B.U. Moon. 12.45 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Dissertation:Development of a continuous glucose monitor based on microfluidics

Promotor(s): prof. E.M.J. Verpoorte, prof. B.H.C. Westerink

Faculty: Mathematics and Natural Sciences

In his thesis Byeong-Ui Moon described the development and application of a miniaturized system for continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring based on microdialysis sampling and coupled with microfluidic glucose analysis.The development and application of continuous glucose monitors constitutes a major field in diabetes-related research. The main goal of continuous glucose monitoring is to provide better insight into the daily glucose fluctuations experienced by diabetic patients to help them achieve better management of their glucose levels. The existing conventional ways of discontinuous glucose monitoring, such as finger-prick are insufficient for detection of hyperglycemic and, especially important, hypoglycemic episodes. The system incorporates an enzymatic microreactor, a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) - glass microfluidic device designed for the rapid reaction of glucose with oxygen using the glucose oxidase enzyme. Fast mixing of glucose oxidase with glucose was achieved through integration of an array of slanted microgrooves in the PDMS microreactor channel to induce chaotic mixing. In in vitro experiments, detection of the hydrogen peroxide produced in the reaction was performed using either electrochemical (amperometric) measurement at integrated, planar Pt microelectrodes or optical (chemiluminescence) detection with a silicon photodiode molded into the enzymatic microreactor. For in vivo application, a microdialysis probe was coupled to the enzymatic microreactor for the continuous measurement of subcutaneous glucose in rats. This proof of concept study showed feasibility of the use of microfluidic chip for continuous glucose monitoring.

Last modified:13 March 2020 12.59 a.m.
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