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NWO equipment grant for six Groningen researchers

03 March 2011

Six Groningen researchers will receive grants totalling EUR 2.4 million from NWO for new equipment. At national level, NWO has awarded EUR 12.2 million in grants to 32 researchers.

Many researchers need large pieces of equipment, databases and new software to conduct their research.  NWO has a budget for ‘middle-range investments’ to finance necessities which are beyond the financial reach of individual research groups.

The honoured requests are in all possible academic fields. Nationally speaking, the applications range from the natural sciences to archaeology and linguistics. In Groningen the grants will go to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (3), the UMCG (2) and to SRON, the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (1).

NWO provides a maximum of 75 percent of the budget, with the host institution providing a minimum of 25 percent. The NWO contributions range from EUR 110,000 to EUR 900,000.

List of Groningen projects

(the complete list can be found here).

Molecular imaging
Dr P.H. (Phillipus) Elsinga (m) 21-07-1961, UMCG – Radiation Sciences. EUR 354,953
There have been enormous advances in molecular imaging in recent years. This has led to an explosive growth in the need for new tracers and a precise quantification of their kinetics in target organs. The use of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) can markedly hasten the development of new tracers for preclinical and clinical research.

Separating complex molecular structures
Prof. B.L. (Ben) Feringa (m) 18-05-1951, University of Groningen – Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. EUR 387,000
Complex molecular structures that can be found in nature are a tremendous challenge to synthetic and system chemistry. In the last decade major advances have been made with regard to catalysis, which has enabled making extremely complex natural chemicals. This project should move on to the next step and – utilizing the newest developments in separation technology – further develop the important field of molecular complexity.

Googling tissue down to the square nanometre
Dr B.N.G. (Ben) Giepmans, (m) 23-11-1971, UMCG – department of Cell Biology. EUR 270,750
A special electron microscope is used to show tissue and small model animals in very fine detail. The data will be made available to researchers in a ‘Google Maps’-like manner and contribute to understanding the causes of disorders such as diabetes and other neurodegenerative diseases and learning about the effectiveness of their treatment.

Pitch-black space simulator for an ultra-sensitive space camera
Dr F.P (Frank) Helmich (m) 31-07-1966, SRON. EUR 900,000
Before an SRON camera is finally launched to begin orbiting in space, it needs to be tested extensively. To do so, a space simulator is needed that can mimic the darkness and low temperatures of the universe. Thanks to NWO’s financial support, SRON now has such a simulator and is currently preparing it for the next mission: SPICA, a collaboration between the Japanese and European space agencies, JAXA and ESA.

Cellular clock processes colourfully unravelled
Dr R.A. (Roelof) Hut (m) 28-08-1966, University of Groningen – Centre for Behaviour and Neuroscience. EUR 395,400
Biological clock cells regulate our day-night rhythms with clock genes and clock proteins. Highly sensitive, innovative microscope technology is used to show this network of genes and nerve cells by marking cell function in colours and using fluorescent proteins that can be read like watch hands.

Challenging proteins in three dimensions
Dr A.C. (Anke) Terwisscha van Scheltinga (f) 20-08-1968, University of Groningen – Biophysical Chemistry. EUR 119,774
Membrane proteins and protein complexes play an important role in many biological processes. Although they can often only be isolated in microgram quantities, using specialized equipment that can purify, characterize and crystallize the proteins it is possible to establish their atomic structure.

Last modified:13 March 2020 01.53 a.m.
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