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Seminar 1 July 2010: UN Ideas That Changed the World

01 juli 2010

On Thursday 1st of July 2010 Groningen University will host a seminar to highlight the central findings from a decade-long research project about an institution that is regarded as central to human betterment, the United Nations. In spite of its achievements, the United Nations is continually under fire (literally and figuratively). While the Obama administration has changed the mood, multilateralism is still not the favored approach. Many pressing issues remain outside the UN and the G-20 represents a different kind of challenge. As Lenin said, "What is to be done?" The United Nations Intellectual History Project (UNIHP) provides some "good news."

This event takes place on the occasion of the launch of three books.

• UN Ideas That Changed the World is written by Richard Jolly, Louis Emmerij, and Thomas G. Weiss

• Nico Schrijver, Development without Destruction:The UN and Global Resource Management

• Thomas G. Weiss and Ramesh Thakur, Global Governance and the UN: An Unfinished Journey

It is both a pleasure and an honour to invite you to attend this special occasion.


16.00 Welcome by the Dean of the Law Faculty, Professor Leon Verstappen

16.05 Presentation by Professor Thomas Weiss and Dr. Louis Emmerij about the UNIHP project and oral history and of the book UN Ideas That Changed the World

16.30 Response by Professor Marcel Brus

16.40 Questions and Answers

17.00 Break

17.15 Presentation by Professor Nico Schrijver of the book Development without Destruction: The UN and Global Resource Management

17.30 Response by Prof. Jaap de Wilde

17.40 Questions and Answers

18.00 Drinks

The event is organized by the department of international law and the department of international relations of the University of Groningen in collaboration with the United Nations Organisation (NVVN), the Netherlands Society for International Affairs (NGIZ) and the Netherlands Society of International Law (NVIR).

Location: Senaatskamer, the Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Attendance: The event is open to all without charge.

Laatst gewijzigd:22 januari 2024 09:35
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