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Poster Portal UMCG

In cooperation with the Faculty of 1000, the Central Medical Library of the UMCG has established an open access poster and slide depository: F1000 Posters.

Anyone working at the UMCG can deposit posters and/or Powerpoint-slides of a presentation in the UMCG Poster Portal. By depositing your slides or poster in the Poster Portal, your poster or slides become part of a worldwide database, which means that your work can be seen by a large audience. Your work will be protected under the Creative Commons license.

How do I submit my poster or slides?
Simply e-mail your slides or poster to the Medical Library or do it yourself via this link

Presenting at ISCOMS?

ISCOMS: International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences
If you are a presenting participant at ISCOMS, you can e-mail your slides or poster to library titled “Presentation ISCOMS”, or do it yourself via this link.

Last modified:24 September 2024 3.12 p.m.
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