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Golden tips for publishing Open Access

23 May 2017
open access
open access

Add the correct affiliation details UMCG publications

  • It is important that the address field of all UMCG scientific publications contain the following string:

      University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department  …., The Netherlands

The order of this string is crucial for the ranking of the University and the UMCG!

Publishing open access

How do you know if you can publish open access in a specific journal?

  • Find the journal in Google, check the publisher.
  • Go to the CMB open access site and check if the specific publisher is there. On this site you can read the agreements with the publishers.
    You do not have to pay author fee (APC) for open access publishing or you will get a discount.
  • Always submit your article using a University or UMCG computer.
  • To be recognized as a member always use your work email from the University or the UMCG!

In the above list Journals with discount you'll find the ranking and Q1-journals.

If the publisher is not on the CMB open access site what are the possibilities to publish open access?

  • Sometimes you can pay for publishing the article in open access. You can read on the publisher’s website if that is possible. The author is charged with a fee, called article processing charges (APC’s) for publishing an article.
  • Upload your postprint version of your manuscript. The Central Medical Library and the University will take care of the registration in Pure, the research database of the University.


If you have any questions, please contact the Central Medical Library (CMB), cmb or openaccess

Last modified:14 September 2024 2.53 p.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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