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Medical Library News archive

News archive

All Central Medical Library news in a glance:

Podcast 'Open Science Bites' with pediatrician Laura Postma
Published on:17 September 2024

Podcast 'Open Science Bites' with pediatrician Laura Postma

Taylor & Francis and Oxford University Press OA deals: annual quotas expected to be reached in November
Published on:11 September 2024

The annual quotas for open access publishing under the Taylor & Francis and Oxford University Press agreements with the Universities of The Netherlands will be met in November.

Springer Nature OA deal: annual quota expected to be reached mid-October
Published on:05 September 2024

Springer Nature open access deal: the national annual quota for 2024 is expected to be reached in mid-October. This means that from that moment the deal will be suspended and UG/UMCG articles will no longer be eligible for the usual 100% discount on the open access fee.

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) OA deal: annual quota expected to be reached mid-September
Published on:20 August 2024

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) open access deal: the national annual quota for 2024 is expected to be reached in mid-September.

New email address Medical Library
Published on:15 July 2024

New email address Medical Library

Leerboek Chirurgie niet meer als e-book beschikbaar
Published on:04 July 2024

Het Leerboek Chirurgie is vanaf volgende maand alleen nog beschikbaar als gedrukt boek.

Open Research Award 2024: Call for submissions
Published on:03 July 2024

Open Research Award 2024: Call for submissions

New name: Medical Library
Published on:02 July 2024

New name: Medical Library

Open Science Newsletter
Published on:02 July 2024

Open Science Newsletter

Noise pollution in the Medical Library from Monday June 24
Published on:18 June 2024

Noise pollution in the Medical Library from Monday June 24

New: workshop Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Literature Research
Published on:11 June 2024

New: workshop Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Literature Research

UMCG share of Open Access publications stable at 98%
Published on:10 June 2024

UMCG share of Open Access publications stable at 98%

'Sustainable Development Goals' now in Pure (RUG Research Portal)
Published on:05 June 2024

'Sustainable Development Goals' in Pure (RUG Research Portal)

New 'Lean Library' tool in Edge, the library in your browser
Published on:21 May 2024

New tool in Edge: Lean Library

Guide on predatory and questionable publishing practices
Published on:06 May 2024

Guide on predatory and questionable publishing practices

The Medical Library will have a new entrance via the Anda Kerkhoven Centre
Published on:22 February 2024

The CMB will have a new entrance via the Anda Kerkhoven Centre

New: CMB Library Guide Sustainable healthcare
Published on:23 January 2024

New: CMB Library Guide on Sustainable healthcare

CMB closed from December 23 to January 4
Published on:06 December 2023

CMB closed from December 23 to January 4

Update Endnote 21
Published on:06 December 2023

Update Endnote 21

Springer Nature OA deal: annual quota reached
Published on:13 November 2023

Springer Nature OA deal: annual quota reached

Celebrating Openness: Open Research & Public Engagement event
Published on:31 October 2023

Celebrate openness on 23 November

Springer Nature open access deal: annual quota expected to be reached late October
Published on:28 September 2023

Springer Nature open access deal: annual quota approaching

100,000th PURE publication has been entered
Published on:27 September 2023

100,000th PURE publication has been entered

Complete Anatomy replaces Anatomy TV
Published on:27 September 2023

Complete Anatomy replaces Anatomy TV (formerly Primal Pictures)

Open Research Award - Call for submissions 2023 still open
Published on:27 September 2023

The University of Groningen Library (UB) and the Open Science Community Groningen (OSCG) organize the annual Open Research Award to celebrate open research practices.

NTvG will stop offering subscriptions for institutions
Published on:26 September 2023

NTvG will stop offering subscriptions for institutions

Artificial Intelligence in medical research and education
Published on:19 September 2023

Artificial Intelligence in medical research and education

Open access book fund closed
Published on:19 September 2023

Open access book fund closed

CMB Zorg Lunch session: medical (e) books, how and where (in Dutch)
Published on:10 July 2023

CMB Zorg Lunch session: medical (e) books, how and where

What’s your idea for making the Medical Library more sustainable?
Published on:03 July 2023

What’s your idea for making the CMB more sustainable? Pass it on to Green CMB!

UMCG/UG global leader in the field of open access according to Leiden Ranking
Published on:26 June 2023

UMCG/UG global leader in the field of open access according to Leiden Ranking

Almost 100% Open Access at the UMCG
Published on:15 June 2023

Almost 100% Open Access at the UMCG

Open access book fund expected to run out soon
Published on:14 June 2023

The UG’s Open Access Book Fund is expected to run out by the end of May 2023. The fund was very successful, with 48 applications received since the fund’s launch in February 2022.

Problems with Endnote on UMCG network
Published on:01 June 2023

Problems with Endnote on UMCG network

Trial: APA PsycTests
Published on:24 April 2023

Until 23 May, you can make use of a trial of the APA PsycTests database.

Podcast: Open Science Bites
Published on:20 April 2023

Podcast: Open Science Bites

New: Reserve a study place on the interactive map
Published on:09 March 2023

New: LibCal Interactive Maps: reserve your study place in the library by clicking on a spot on the map

New agreement for the reuse of copyright material for education
Published on:09 March 2023

New agreement for the reuse of copyright material for education

Book fair: target amount achieved!
Published on:02 February 2023

Book fair CMB: target amount achieved!

Copyright Information Point UMCG
Published on:02 February 2023

Copyright Information Point UMCG

New licenses: Oxford Scholarship Online and Oxford Clinical Psychology
Published on:10 January 2023

New licenses: Oxford Scholarship Online and Oxford Clinical Psychology

New workshops and webinars CMB
Published on:10 January 2023

New workshops and webinars CMB

Still books for sale: € 2,- per book
Published on:02 January 2023

We still have a lot of 2nd hand books for sale in the hallway at CMB Zorg (Y4, near the zebra stripes) and medical books in the CMB Library

Christmas book fair from 19 - 22 December
Published on:19 December 2022

Christmas book fair from 19 - 22 December

Christmas break Central Medical Library
Published on:13 December 2022

Christmas break Central Medical Library

Springer Nature OA deal: annual quota reached
Published on:21 November 2022

Springer Nature OA deal: annual quota reached

Christmas book fair: donate your books
Published on:14 November 2022

Christmas Book Market December 2019

UMCG-winners at Open Research Award 2022
Published on:26 October 2022

UMCG-winners at Open Research Award 2022

Open Science Newsletter
Published on:13 October 2022

Open Science Newsletter

First book by open access book fund
Published on:10 October 2022

First book by open access book fund

Showcase new books CMB
Published on:06 October 2022

Showcase new books CMB

"UMCG Anywhere" does NOT provide direct access to the digital library
Published on:05 October 2022

Basiswerkplek does not provid direct access to the digital library

RUG/UMCG score the highest with 94% Open Access publications
Published on:26 September 2022

RUG/UMCG score the highest with 94% Open Access publications

Springer Nature open access deal: annual quota expected to be reached early November
Published on:19 September 2022

Springer Nature open access deal: annual quota approaching

Open Research Award 2022
Published on:31 August 2022

Open Research Award 2022

Pure not available on August 29th and 30th
Published on:26 August 2022

Pure not available on August 29th and 30th.

New dates CMB-workshops ánd a new workshop
Published on:12 July 2022

New dates CMB-workshops ánd a new workshop

Opening hours CMB during the Summer Holidays
Published on:12 July 2022

Different opening hours CMB during the Summer Holidays

New licence Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry
Published on:16 June 2022

New licence Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry

Open Science Newsletter June 2022
Published on:13 June 2022

Open Science Newsletter June 2022

A new look for the Library Guides
Published on:20 May 2022

The Library Guides of the CMB and the University Library have been given a new look

Questions on copyright? Ask the Copyright Information Point
Published on:18 May 2022

Questions on copyright? Ask the Copyright Information Point

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 21st edition available now
Published on:21 April 2022

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 21st edition available now

Invitation: Open Science survey
Published on:07 April 2022

Invitation Open Science survey

Update Your Pure Data!
Published on:14 March 2022

Update Your Pure Data!

Open Science Newsletter March 2022
Published on:08 March 2022

Open Science Newsletter March 2022

Open access book fund launched for UG and UMCG authors
Published on:02 March 2022

Open access book fund launched for UG and UMCG authors

Trial Springer protocols (life and biomedical sciences)
Published on:28 February 2022

Trial Springer protocols (life and biomedical sciences)

New trial subscription to NEJM Evidence
Published on:08 February 2022

New trial subscription to NEJM Evidence

Open Science Programme UG and UMCG: newsletter and website
Published on:08 February 2022

Open Science Programme UG and UMCG: newsletter and website

No more 'read and publish deal' with publisher BMJ
Published on:13 January 2022

No more 'read and publish deal' with publisher BMJ

OA agreements with Rockefeller University Press, Benjamins and Future Science Group
Published on:11 January 2022

As of January 2022, UG/UMCG authors can benefit from new Read & Publish agreements the University of Groningen and the UMCG closed with publishers Rockefeller University Press, John Benjamins and the Future Science Group.

Problems with Refworks
Published on:17 December 2021

Refworks has updated their Word-plug in ‘Write-n-Cite’ and with this update they disabled all earlier versions. In the UMCG this newest version is not yet installed and thus Refworks can not be used at the moment in Word. We have requested that the update is installed as quickly as possible and we hope this will resolve the problem soon.

The CMB is closed from 25 December until 1 January
Published on:16 December 2021

The CMB is closed from 27 until 31 december

New dates CMB workshops and webinars
Published on:09 December 2021

New dates CMB workshops and webinars

Springer Nature open access deal: annual quota reached
Published on:26 October 2021

Springer Nature open access deal: annual quota reached

New Open Science Newsletter
Published on:14 October 2021

New Open Science Newsletter

ONLINE Research Data Management Awareness Workshop on November 23
Published on:20 September 2021

ONLINE Research Data Management Awareness Workshop on November 23

Reserve a study place in the Medical Library
Published on:07 September 2021

Reserve a seat

The CMB temporarily has a different main entrance
Published on:02 September 2021

The CMB temporarily has a different main entrance

Call for submissions: Open Research Award 2021 celebrates open research practices
Published on:31 August 2021

The annual Open Research Award organized by the University of Groningen Library and the Open Science Community Groningen celebrates the many ways in which academics make their research more accessible, transparent or reproducible. Call for submission open until 15 September.

Open Research Award programme online on October 28th
Published on:26 August 2021

Open Research Award programme online on October 28th

Reopening Silent Study Areas
Published on:17 August 2021

Reopening Silent Study Areas

New EndNote version
Published on:30 July 2021

New EndNote version

Springer Nature OA deal: approaching annual quota
Published on:22 July 2021

Springer Nature OA deal: approaching annual quota

New e-journal: Science & Medicine in Football
Published on:07 July 2021

New e-journal: Science & Medicine in Football

New dates CMB workshops and webinars
Published on:01 July 2021

New dates CMB workshops and webinars

Open Science Newsletter June 2021
Published on:28 June 2021

Open Science Newsletter June 2021

Rising uptake of open access at the UG/UMCG
Published on:24 June 2021

Rising uptake of open access at the UG/UMCG

UG and UMCG authors falling prey to fraudulent/predatory publishing practices
Published on:24 June 2021

The open access support teams of the University Library and Central Medical Library have recently come across four cases of predatory/fraudulent publishing behaviour at the expense of UG/UMCG authors.

JoVE videos for education
Published on:17 June 2021


Submit a case study for the Open Research Award!
Published on:08 June 2021

The new call for submissions is now open!

Changes My NCBI account Pubmed as of June 1
Published on:11 May 2021

Changes My NCBI account Pubmed as of June 1

Special edition Open Science Newsletter
Published on:04 May 2021

Special edition Open Science Newsletter, April 2021

New e-books Thieme MedOne Education
Published on:22 April 2021

New e-books Thieme MedOne Education

Open access Taverne Amendement
Published on:13 April 2021

Open access amendement Taverne

ONLINE Research Data Management Awareness Workshop
Published on:17 March 2021

ONLINE Research Data Management Awareness Workshop

Agreement between Dutch research institutions and Elsevier gives UMCG researchers many additional opportunities to publish open access for free
Published on:09 March 2021

Agreement between Dutch research institutions and Elsevier gives UMCG researchers many additional opportunities to publish open access for free

Latest edition Open Science Newsletter.
Published on:24 February 2021

Latest edition Open Science Newsletter Februari 2021

New way of displaying UG (and UMCG) research output
Published on:23 February 2021

New way of displaying UG (and UMCG) research output

New: BioCyc, a collection of Pathway/Genome databases
Published on:22 February 2021

New: BioCyc, a collection of Pathway/Genome databases

How do I find the bést information?
Published on:16 February 2021

How do I find the bést information? A web guide to intelligent search (in Dutch).

Mini symposium: Open Science and Research Data
Published on:08 February 2021

Mini symposium: Open Science and Research Data

Check out our medical e-books by subject
Published on:04 February 2021

The library offers hunderds of recent medical e-books per subject

Mendeley is working on Windows 10 computers again
Published on:01 February 2021

Mendeley is working on Windows 10 computers again.

The CMB is closed. Online services continue as normal!
Published on:12 January 2021

Library closed

ONLINE Research Data Management Awareness Workshop
Published on:11 January 2021

ONLINE Research Data Management Awareness Workshop

New dates CMB webinars
Published on:07 January 2021

New dates CMB webinars

From now on access to Lexicomp Online, Drug Decision Support
Published on:05 January 2021

You now have access to Lexicomp Online, Wolters Kluwer's Drug Decision Support.

Mendeley not working currently on Windows 10 computers; use
Published on:29 December 2020

Mendeley not working currently momenteel on Windows 10 computers; use
For more info and all other support on reference management >

Request books via SmartCat, pick up at University Library
Published on:15 December 2020

Request medical books, pick up at the University Library

Special edition Open Science Newsletter
Published on:10 December 2020

Special edition Open Science Newsletter

Christmas & New Year CMB opening hours
Published on:09 December 2020

Christmas & New Year CMB opening hours

Maximum number of open access articles Oxford University Press has been reached
Published on:03 December 2020

Maximum number of open access articles Oxford University Press has been reached

Changes EndNote on UMCG network
Published on:20 November 2020

Working with EndNote in Word on the UMCG network is going to change

Anatomy Gym
Published on:11 November 2020

The Anatomy Gym is an educational game where you can brush up on your anatomy knowledge

Pure: update & more automation in news items
Published on:09 November 2020

Pure: update & more automation in news items

Warning: Do not use Internet Explorer on a UMCG workplace
Published on:30 October 2020

Don't open journals, e-books and other online resources at your UMCG workplace with Internet Explorer. Use another browser!

New: Visible Body's Human Anatomy Atlas
Published on:22 October 2020

We now have access to Visible Body's Human Anatomy Atlas, a comprehensive 3D atlas of the human body.

Open Science Newsletter October 2020
Published on:08 October 2020

Open Science Newsletter October 2020

Online Research Data Management Awareness workshop
Published on:05 October 2020

Online Research Data Management Awareness workshop

Three case studies for the Open Research Award
Published on:01 October 2020

Three case studies for the Open Research Award

Open Research Award - Celebrating openness: registration now open
Published on:24 September 2020

Open Research Award - Celebrating openness

Discount on publishing open access in MDPI journals
Published on:23 September 2020

Effective immediately, UG-authors are entitled to a discount when publishing open access in one of the 271 journals from publisher MDPI. Corresponding authors from the UG will receive a 10% discount on the article processing charge. The only condition is that authors use a clear UG-affiliation when submitting articles.

New e-books Wolter-Kluwer
Published on:22 September 2020

New e-books Wolter-Kluwer

Upcoming changes in REFWORKS on the UMCG network
Published on:14 September 2020

Upcoming changes in REFWORKS on the UMCG network

Week 37: Health-related quality of life in facial palsy: translation and validation of the Dutch version Facial Disability Index
Published on:10 September 2020


Martinus M van Veen, Tessa E Bruins, Madina Artan, Tanja Mooibroek-Leeuwerke, Carien H G Beurskens, Paul M N Werker, Pieter U Dijkstra

In: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2020) 18:256

New dates CMB webinars
Published on:27 August 2020

New date CMB webinars

New: Nature Cancer
Published on:27 August 2020

New: Nature Cancer

Online Research Data Management Awareness workshop
Published on:27 August 2020

ONLINE Research Data Management Awareness workshop, designed by a researcher for researchers.

New Open Research Award celebrates open research practices
Published on:17 August 2020

The University of Groningen Library (UB) and the Open Science Community Groningen (OSCG) launch an annual Open Research Award to celebrate open research practices.

Dealing with copyright in education
Published on:13 July 2020

Dealing with copyright in education

Open Science Newsletter June 2020 is out
Published on:23 June 2020

The Open Science Newletter June 2020 is out.

Students can now also request for free abroad
Published on:05 June 2020

As a trial, the library will no longer pass on costs to students for requesting publications abroad until at least 1 September.

New: Human Anatomy Biodigital Tours
Published on:28 May 2020

AccessMedicine Human Anatomy Tour

Pubmed has been renewed, Legacy Pubmed no longer available
Published on:26 May 2020

Pubmed has been renewed, the old Pubmed is no longer available.

Dutch research institutions and Elsevier initiate world’s first national Open Science partnership
Published on:19 May 2020

First national Open Science partnership between Dutch research institutions and Elsevier

New: webinar ORCID
Published on:22 April 2020

New: webinar ORCID

CMB workshops as a webinar (extra dates!)
Published on:02 April 2020

From now on, the CMB offers the workshops as a webinar.

Beds in library Central Medical Complex
Published on:31 March 2020

The part of the Central Medical Library which is located in the Central Medical Complex (Y4), is now undergoing rapid renovation.

Overview scientific resources on Coronavirus
Published on:20 March 2020

Overview scientific resources on COVID-19

No PDF available: How do I get the article?
Published on:10 March 2020

No PDF available: How do I get the article?

New Open Science Newsletter
Published on:26 February 2020

New Open Science Newsletter

The new CMB is now open!
Published on:21 February 2020

The CMB Faculty is open!

Expansion journals Oxford University Press
Published on:30 January 2020

Expansion journals Oxford University Press

Survey: What do you think of the new CMB Study Areas?
Published on:29 January 2020

Survey about the new CMB Silent Study Areas

The CMB Christmas Book Fair raised € 1,066.50
Published on:21 January 2020

The CMB Christmas Book Fair raised € 1,066.50

CMB Silent Study Area are open
Published on:20 January 2020

The third floor of the Central Medical Library (CMB) has been closed. If everything goes according to plan the new quiet study rooms will open on 20 January

Dutch research institutions and Elsevier reach agreement
Published on:20 December 2019

Framework agreement with Elsevier

Springer OA deal: annual quota reached
Published on:09 December 2019

Springer Nature open access deal reached annual quota

Service voor externen:
Published on:03 November 2019

Externen kunnen nu aanvragen indienen bij de CMB via een nieuwe website:

Question for the CMB? WhatsApp!
Published on:30 October 2019

Ask a question to the library via WhatsApp

Symposium Open Science research practices
Published on:24 September 2019

Open Science research practices, symposium on 22 Oct

'Act on Acceptance': new service for Open Access publishing
Published on:10 September 2019

'Act on Acceptance' is a new service of the CMB to make it easier for authors to publish their articles Open Access.

Pubmed is going to renew
Published on:28 August 2019

Pubmed is going to renew

New workshops CMB!
Published on:27 August 2019

The CMB offers you two new workshops: Endnote en "Are you ready for Open Access Publishing?"

No longer log in with your Proxy-account as of September 1
Published on:10 July 2019

As of September 1, 2019, UMCG-staff can no longer log in with their Proxy-account.

Symposium Open Science research practices
Published on:10 July 2019

Call for contributions: Open Science research practices, symposium on 22 Oct

Newsletter CMB
Published on:20 May 2019

You can subscribe for the CMB-newsletter.

Do you have questions about publishing in Open Access ? Make an appointment!
Published on:16 May 2019

If you have questions about Open Access publishing you can make an appointment with Peter Braun, Open Access Officer at the Central Medical Library.

New: Cochrane Interactive Learning
Published on:23 April 2019

Cochrane Interactive Learning (CIL) is an online educational tool for performing systematic reviews.

Endnote available on UMCG-network
Published on:18 April 2019

Endnote available now on UMCG-network

New! Open access flyer: all information in one place
Published on:11 March 2019

New Open access flyer

Information meeting "How to get the PDF?"
Published on:01 March 2019

Information meeting "How to get the PDF: All options to find the fulltext of scientific articles!

Open Science Newsletter
Published on:20 February 2019

Open Science Newsletter

Plan S - Information for researchers
Published on:12 February 2019

Plan S is an initiative to accelerate the transition to 100% open-access publication from 2020 onwards.

Want to request free articles/books from other libraries more easily?
Published on:21 January 2019

To request articles or books from another library will become much simpler from 28 January.

Springer Nature contract: limit 2018 Open Access articles without APC reached
Published on:12 December 2018

Springer Nature contract: limit 2018 Open Access articles without APC reached

Lean Library: quick and easy off-campus access!
Published on:25 September 2018


Guest lecture & workshop: Open research, co-creation and impact
Published on:19 September 2018

Guest lecture Nicol Keith: Open research and societal impact

Trial AMBOSS: interactive education tool in the field of medicine
Published on:10 September 2018

Till 9 October, the University has a trial license to the database AMBOSS, an interactive education tool in the field of medicine.

Changes in use of proxy accounts & Browzine app
Published on:31 July 2018

How to login for access to the online library collection

2017 impact factors are released
Published on:02 July 2018


Available now: JAMA Cardiology
Published on:26 June 2018

Now available: JAMA Cardiology

Chat with a librarian
Published on:28 May 2018

Ask your question to the CMB; chat with a librarian.

Have your say about the Library and win an iPad
Published on:24 May 2018

Have your say about the Library and join the online survey

Open Access newsletter
Published on:12 April 2018

Open Access newsletter

Update RefWorks plugin Word
Published on:02 March 2018

On Mondag March 5th the  RefWorks plugin in the UMCG network will be updated to version 4.5.01.

Assistance for researchers (PI's & YPI's)
Published on:20 February 2018

The Research Office wants to support (Young) Principal Investigators with entering their research data in PURE

Five years PeerJ: free open access publishing all month long!
Published on:08 February 2018

Five years PeerJ: free open access publishing all month long

Datasets visible via the UG research portal
Published on:18 December 2017

Datasets visible via the UG research portal

New medical search engine: ClinicalKey
Published on:09 November 2017

New medical search engine: ClinicalKey

New RefWorks plug-in for UMCG-PCs
Published on:31 October 2017

Starting today, the Word plug-in for Refworks is offered in a different way on the UMCG network.

Open access journals SAGE
Published on:31 October 2017

Available now: 'SAGE Libertas Academia Journals' (Open Access Peer Reviewed Medical Journals).

UpToDate: launch specialty Anesthesiology
Published on:19 October 2017

UptoDate: launch specialty Anesthesiology

Information meeting about Open Access, PURE and Altmetric
Published on:05 October 2017

Information meeting about Open Access, PURE and Altmetric by the Central Medical Library (CMB) on November 13th in the Red Room (Rode Zaal)

Open Access publishing: golden tips
Published on:21 September 2017

Golden tips for Publishing Open Access

Available now: Cochrane's Review Manager (RevMan 5)
Published on:12 September 2017

Available now at the University and the UMCG: Cochrane's Review Manager.

Journal Impact Factors 2016 available
Published on:26 June 2017

Journal Impact Factors 2016 available.

Golden tips for publishing Open Access
Published on:23 May 2017

Golden tips for publishing Open Access

As of June 1: no access to journals Oxford University Press
Published on:02 May 2017

Access Oxford University Press (OUP) journals has been reinstalled

Stay up to date on the latest medical research and topic reviews with 'Read'
Published on:17 April 2017

Stay up to date on the latest medical research and topic reviews with the journal app 'Read'

Do a plagiarism scan at the library
Published on:03 March 2017

Doctoral students can scan their manuscript on plagiarism via their promoters and supervisors. Other UMCG staff can contact the Central Medical Library for a scan and students can consult their teachers.

Open access deal with the publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Published on:30 January 2017

No author's fee for publishing in LWW's hybrid journals

'Green open access policy' UMCG and University Groningen
Published on:21 December 2016

The University of Groningen and the UMCG strive to make the scientific output of their researchers accessible through open access, especially though the so-called green road. This is in keeping with the Dutch national policy and the requirements of various research funding organisations, but also with the positive effects green open access has for citation scores and the impact of publications.

‘Golden road’ Open Access via the Central Medical Library’s licenses
Published on:30 November 2016

In the Central Medical Library's libguide Open Access you will find information about publishing Open Access.

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