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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (EM) - Research
Header image Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (EM)

Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (EM)

What is the influence of religion on global developments? How does globalisation affect local religious traditions? What are the limits of tolerance and acceptance of religious diversity?

In a globalised world, there is a need for experts on religion who can help explain and solve conflicts, who can find common ground to bridge differences between groups with various religious viewpoints and political aims. In this unique international two year programme we train these experts in understanding religious movements, identities, and diversity, and how such phenomena interact with wider social, cultural, political and economic environments, in both historical and contemporary contexts. It prepares you to make a difference in careers like diplomacy, international development, research, journalism, or social welfare.

The programme is offered by ReD Global, a network of European and Latin American universities and professional organizations, funded by the European Commission. If you are looking for a personalised learning experience in a world-leading interdisciplinary research environment, this is the programme for you!

The University of Groningen is the coordinator of the ReD Global programme. The main partners are Córdoba University and University of Coimbra.

For more information and application, please visit the ReD Global consortium website.

Facts & Figures
MA in Theology & Religious Studies (research)
Course type
Research master
24 months (120 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Religion, Culture and Society

Why study this programme in Groningen?

  • International classroom with the best students selected worldwide
  • Receiving a diploma from two institutions
  • Studying at different institutions, so traveling and studying combined
  • Getting specialized knowledge and teaching from specialists in different areas of expertise, with a personalized approach
  • Living in different cities and being close to the social/religious problems students will be assessing
  • Opportunity to select between a "Research Track" or a "Professional Track"


You start the first semester at the University of Groningen (UG), The Netherlands. For your second semester, you move to either Universidad de Córdoba (UCO) in Spain, or Universidade de Coimbra (UC) in Portugal.

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
UG: The Construction of Religious Identities in Europe: Religious Diversity in the Greco-Roman World (10 EC)
UG: Theories of Religion and Culture (10 EC)
UG: Apocalypse and Politics (5 EC, optional)
UG: Growth and Expansion of Religious Identities: Religious Disputes in in Late Antiquity (5 EC, optional)
UG: New Historical Methods for the Study of Christian Pluralism (5 EC, optional)
UG: Social Scientific Research Methods (5 EC, optional)
UCO/UC: Learning Progression Route (LPR) – Module 1: “Knowledge is not neutral” (Winter School) (5 EC)
UC: Interreligious Dialogue and its limits in Late Antiquity and the Medieval world (10 EC, optional)
UC: Sinners and Saints: Revolutions in Hagiography, Narrative and What It Means to Be Human (10 EC, optional)
UC: The Jesuits and Religious Controversies across Cultures in a Globalising World (10 EC, optional)
UCO: Migrations of Knowledge and Culture: The Greek Legacy in the Construction of Western European Culture (10 EC, optional)
UCO: Religious Minorities in Europe, Past and Present (10 EC, optional)
UCO/UC: Learning Progression Route (LPR) – Module 2: “Strength in Diversity” (5 EC)

In the third semester, you either choose to the “Research Track” or the “Professional Track". Students who choose the Research Track follow courses at one of the seven ReD Global Partner Institutions in Europe and Latin-America. Students who prefer the professional track will do an internship at one of the ReD Global non-Academic Associated Partners (professional organizations).

ReD Global partner universities: University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Córdoba University (Spain), University of Coimbra (Portugal), University of Bern (Switzerland), Universidad del Salvador (Argentina), Universidade de Brasilía (Brasil), Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chili), and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México & Universidad de Guanajuato (México).

You dedicate most of your fourth and final semester to thesis work. This may be carried out at the most suitable location, to be determined by you and your supervisors.

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Learning Progression Route (LPR) – Module 3: “Employability” (5 EC)
Professional track with fulltime internship at professional partner institute (25 EC, optional)
Research track at one of seven partner universities (25 EC, optional)
Professional track: Policy Paper / Project Proposal (5 EC)
Research track: Writing a PhD Research Proposal (5 EC)
Thesis (25 EC)

Study load

40 hours of class and self-study per week on average

1 ECTS = 28 hrs. of study. One year contains of 60 ECTS. You will have on average 8 hrs. of lessons per week on site, the rest of the hours is reserved for preparation of the classes and studying.


Semester 1

  • Focus: Foundational courses on theories & methods in the study of religions.
  • Disciplinary perspective: History, Anthropology, Sociology.
  • Period: Antiquity, Contemporary.

Semester 2
- Focus: Foundational courses on theories & methods in the Middle Ages, Humanism & early-modern history, incorporating and applying knowledge and skills on the study of religions.
- Disciplinary perspective: History, Philosophy, Philology.
- Period: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Early Modern, Contemporary.

Semester 3
- Focus: Religious Diversity & Social Inclusion in multifarious contexts.
- Disciplinary perspective: Trans-/interdisciplinary: e.g., Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Anthropology, Economics; each Research Track-Partner Institution defines a profile for 3rd semester offer with a distinctive "local flavour".
- Period: Contemporary, building on historical knowledge and skills acquired during 1st year.

Semester 4
- Focus: Thesis work (in any case co-supervised by 1st and 2nd semester hosts).
- Disciplinary perspective: To be defined in consultation with supervisors.
- Period: Historical + contemporary; students define focus, but in all cases need to link the historical with the contemporary (and vice versa).

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is required
  • For an average of 42 weeks
  • Maximum of 90 EC

The first semester is taught in Groningen. In the second semester, you will follow courses either at Universidad de Córdoba, Spain or Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

In your second year, depending on your specialization, you will study at one of the of the following universities: University of Groningen (The Netherlands), University of Córdoba (Spain), Coimbra University (Portugal), University of Bern (Switzerland), Universidad del Salvador (Argentina), Universidade de Brasilía (Brasil), Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chili), and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México & Universidad de Guanajuato (México).

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Bachelor's degree in Theology, Religious Studies, or another Bachelor in Arts (e.g. International Organizations, Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy), or Social Sciences (e.g. Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Political Sciences). Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature at the start of the programme.

A selection of previous education programmes is shown below under 'Transfer options'. However, this list is not complete. If your study programme is not listed, this does not automatically mean that you will not be admitted to the Master's programme. In case of doubts or questions, feel free to contact the study advisor: studyadvice.rcs

grade average

On average, grades for Bachelor-2 and Bachelor-3 courses should be 7.5 or higher (on a scale of 1 to 10). The quality of the bachelor's (or master's) thesis is very important.

grade list

A grade list of the marks of your bachelor's degree programme with an explanation of the followed courses.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

In English

assessment interview

After selection based on the motivation letter, the grade list and other information, an interview with the student is part of the procedure.

language test

Sufficient knowledge of English: a TOEFL score of at least 100 (internet, with a minimum score for reading/listening/speaking of 21, writing 24), or a minimum score of 7.0 in IELTS (International English Language Testing System; overall; 6.5. on parts) is required. As an alternative to the above-mentioned TOEFL and IELTS scores, a comparable Cambridge Proficiency score (C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency) or a certificate from the University of Groningen Language Centre with a CEFR C1 or higher score will also be accepted.

Exemption granted if:

  • You have a Dutch VWO certificate;
  • You are a native speaker of, and have completed your full secondary level education in: the USA, Canada (only when taught in English), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.
  • You have completed a full-time Bachelor's programme (nominal duration of at least three years) in: the USA, Canada (only when English taught), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.

If English was the medium of instruction during your previous education, but you do not meet any of the above mentioned requirements, you are still required to provide proof of your English language proficiency.

reference letter

Two completed reference forms (in English)

(motivation-) letter

Letter of Motivation in English (maximum 750 words), including a motivated statement on the applicant's preference for the ReD Global 2nd semester hosting institution.

other admission requirements

Optional: official proof of (socio-)economic vulnerability. The highest-ranked applicants may be offered a ReD Global EMJM scholarship. In case of equal ranking, the Programme Examination Committee may give preference to candidates with a vulnerable status.

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
TheologyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
Religious StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
Arts and Culture StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Arabic Language and CultureAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Communication ScienceAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Cultural Anthropology and Development SociologyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Arts and CultureAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

European Languages and CulturesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

European StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

PhilosophyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

History (part-time)All Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Global Responsibility & LeadershipAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Latin American StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Hebrew Language and CultureAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Classics (part-time)All Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Humanistic StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

International StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

International Relations and International OrganizationAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

International Development StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Islam en ArabischAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Liberal Arts and SciencesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Literature and SocietyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Middle Eastern StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Minorities & MultilingualismAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Ancient Near Eastern StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Ancient CulturesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Philosophy, Politics and EconomicsAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Political ScienceAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Psychology (EN)All Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

SociologyAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Spaanse Taal en CultuurAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Taal- en CultuurstudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

South and Southeast Asian StudiesAll Research universities

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
European Languages and CulturesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

PhilosophyUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

History (part-time)University of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

HistoryUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Global Responsibility & LeadershipUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Classical StudiesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
International Relations and International OrganizationUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Arts, Culture and MediaUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Liberal Arts and SciencesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Middle Eastern StudiesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Minorities & MultilingualismUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Pedagogical SciencesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Psychology (NL)University of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Psychology (EN)University of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

Religious StudiesUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
SociologyUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter
More information:

Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature.

TheologyUniversity of Groningen

Additional requirements

Additional requirements:
  • grade average
  • assessment interview
  • (motivation-) letter

Registration procedure

Start programme: 1 September only.

Application deadlines

  • The final application deadline is 1 May (non-EU students are encouraged to apply before 1 April with regard to the visa procedure, etc.).
  • A limited number of Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available. If you want to be eligible for a scholarship, the deadline for applications is 15 January.

How to apply

  • You send in all the needed documentation via the application form on the ReDGlobal website.
  • After admission to the programme you register in Studielink for the two-year MA-programme Theology and Religious Studies (Research).
  • You can find more information about the application procedure on the ReDGlobal website.

Selection procedure

Eligible applicants will receive weighted scores for the following criteria, listed in order of importance:

  • Grades in relevant subjects: 60%;
  • Research (incl. degree projects) and relevant professional experience: 20%;
  • Curriculum Vitae and Motivation letter: 10%;
  • Recommendation letters: 10%.

ReD Global offers a place to an approximate average range of 25 to 30 students per cohort.

Top-ranked pre-selected applicants with a minimum score of 80% will be invited for an online selection interview of approximately 30 minutes. Each applicant will have to complete at least one assignment in advance of the interview. The interview consists of three elements:

  • Discussion of the assignment;
  • Short presentation of the research project as submitted by the applicant in their application to ReD Global;
  • The applicant's motivation to join ReD Global.

The highest-ranked applicants may be offered a ReD Global EMJM scholarship. In case of equal ranking, the Programme Examination Committee may give preference to candidates with a vulnerable status.

The ReD Global Secretariat will select and take out a suitable insurance policy for all students enrolled in the programme (EMJM Scholarship and non-EMJM Scholarship students).

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

Bachelor's degree in Theology, Religious Studies, or another Bachelor in Arts (e.g. International Organizations, Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy), or Social Sciences (e.g. Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Political Sciences). Depending on your former study and courses a reading package will be provided. We assume that you are aware of the concepts and theoretical discussions outlined in this literature at the start of the programme.

A selection of previous education programmes is shown below under 'Transfer options'. However, this list is not complete. If your study programme is not listed, this does not automatically mean that you will not be admitted to the Master's programme. In case of doubts or questions, feel free to contact the study advisor: studyadvice.rcs

grade average

On average, grades for Bachelor-2 and Bachelor-3 courses should be 7.5 or higher (on a scale of 1 to 10). The quality of the bachelor's (or master's) thesis is very important.

grade list

Certified copies of academic transcripts and, if applicable, a list of courses, including course credits, pending completion. If documents are not in English, the applicant should additionally provide a certified translation.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

In English

assessment interview

After selection based on the motivation letter, the grade list and other information, an interview with the student is part of the procedure.

language test

Sufficient knowledge of English: a TOEFL score of at least 100 (internet, with a minimum score for reading/listening/speaking of 21, writing 24), or a minimum score of 7.0 in IELTS (International English Language Testing System; overall; 6.5. on parts) is required. As an alternative to the above-mentioned TOEFL and IELTS scores, a comparable Cambridge Proficiency score (C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency) or a certificate from the University of Groningen Language Centre with a CEFR C1 or higher score will also be accepted.

Exemption granted if:

  • You are a native speaker of, and have completed your full secondary level education in: the USA, Canada (only when taught in English), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.
  • You have completed a full-time Bachelor's programme (nominal duration of at least three years) in: the USA, Canada (only when English taught), the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.

If English was the medium of instruction during your previous education, but you do not meet any of the above mentioned requirements, you are still required to provide proof of your English language proficiency.

reference letter

Two completed reference forms (in English)

(motivation-) letter

Letter of Motivation in English (maximum 750 words), including a motivated statement on the applicant's preference for the ReD Global 2nd semester hosting institution.

other admission requirements

Optional: official proof of (socio-)economic vulnerability. The highest-ranked applicants may be offered a ReD Global EMJM scholarship. In case of equal ranking, the Programme Examination Committee may give preference to candidates with a vulnerable status.

Language requirements

ExamMinimum score
C1 Advanced (formerly CAE)C1
C2 Proficiency (formerly CPE)C2
IELTS overall band7
IELTS listening6.5
IELTS reading6.5
IELTS writing6.5
IELTS speaking6.5
TOEFL internet based100

Registration procedure

Start programme: 1 September only.

Application deadlines

  • The final application deadline is 1 May (non-EU students are encouraged to apply before 1 April with regard to the visa procedure, etc.).
  • A limited number of Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available. If you want to be eligible for a scholarship, the deadline for applications is 15 January.

How to apply

  • You send in all the needed documentation via the application form on the ReDGlobal website.
  • After admission to the programme you register in Studielink for the two-year MA-programme Theology and Religious Studies (Research).
  • You can find more information about the application procedure on the ReDGlobal website.

Selection procedure

Eligible applicants will receive weighted scores for the following criteria, listed in order of importance:

  • Grades in relevant subjects: 60%;
  • Research (incl. degree projects) and relevant professional experience: 20%;
  • Curriculum Vitae and Motivation letter: 10%;
  • Recommendation letters: 10%.

ReD Global offers a place to an approximate average range of 25 to 30 students per cohort.

Top-ranked pre-selected applicants with a minimum score of 80% will be invited for an online selection interview of approximately 30 minutes. Each applicant will have to complete at least one assignment in advance of the interview. The interview consists of three elements:

  • Discussion of the assignment;
  • Short presentation of the research project as submitted by the applicant in their application to ReD Global;
  • The applicant's motivation to join ReD Global.

The highest-ranked applicants may be offered a ReD Global EMJM scholarship. In case of equal ranking, the Programme Examination Committee may give preference to candidates with a vulnerable status.

The ReD Global Secretariat will select and take out a suitable insurance policy for all students enrolled in the programme (EMJM Scholarship and non-EMJM Scholarship students).

Tuition fees

Participation fees have been established at:

  • EUR 5.000 per year for EU/EEA passport holders
  • EUR 10.000 per year for Non-EU/EEA passport holders

Participation fees are waived for students who have been awarded an EMJM Scholarship (that is EUR 1.400 per month). The application deadline for admission + Erasmus Mundus scholarship is 15 January.

Students without an Erasmus Mundus scholarship
Participation fees may be (fully or partially) waived for a limited number of admitted students without an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. For more information about the options, please contact
The application deadline for admission without Erasmus Mundus scholarship is 1 May.

Practical information for:

After your studies

In ReD Global, you receive a degree (double degree) from both your first and second semester hosting institution if you successfully complete the joint programme.

Job prospects

Following completion of this degree, you will be able to advise or write policy documents on different subjects - such as developmental assistance, or multicultural society. Job tracts include working for a government, in business, or at an NGO. Other options include media, or indeed education.

If you wish to pursue an academic career, you are perfectly prepared for obtaining a PhD-student position at national and international institutes and universities or start working as a researcher at a research institute, e.g. the Netherlands Institute for Social Research.

Job examples

  • PhD-student

    With your PhD-proposal, you can gain admission to PhD programmes at national and international institutes and universities.

  • Consulting and Policy

    In a globalized world, there is a need for experts who can help explain and solve conflicts that are further-reaching than ever before. You are able to provide well-founded advice on interreligious issues and multicultural society. This could mean working as a consultant or in an advisory position for the think-tank of a political party, for a body such as NATO or the UN, or for instance the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael.

  • Media and Journalism

    The media often mis-portray religion, whether it is to do with terrorism or integration issues. Graduates of this programme will be able to add some much-needed nuance to the picture, whether at a publishing company, broadcasting, or a newspaper/news magazine.


In Groningen, the programme directly benefits from cutting-edge research carried out mainly within two of the three departments of the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society:

  • Jewish, Christian and Islamic Origins. The research and teaching carried out in this department focuses on the formative stages of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Your lecturers study their dynamic interrelationship in the context of ancient Near Eastern, Graeco-Roman and late antique cultures.
  • Comparative Study of Religion. In this department, religion is addressed in all its forms and appearances. Historians, anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists are working together to critically investigate lived religion: religious practices and discourses as part of the daily lives of people, embedded in diverse socio-cultural and political frameworks around the world.

The course units are taught by internationally recognized scholars. They will provide you with an up-to-date overview of the state of the art of the subjects you are studying, often drawing on their own research.

Research Centres

In Groningen, much of the research connects with the activities of:

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  • ambassadors (our student ambassadors are happy to tell you more about the MA programme)
    Email: prospectives.rcs
  • Red Global Secretariat (please contact us if you have any questions)
    Email: red-global


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Study associations

Gerardus van der Leeuw

Gerardus van der Leeuw is the study association of the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society at the University of Groningen.
Besides broadening activities (for example, lectures or career events) for both the Religious Studies and Theology programs, they organize relaxing activities such as get-togethers and trips abroad.
Study support

ReD Global has designed a novel and innovative curricular element compulsory for all students: the Learning Progression Route (LPR) entitled “Effective Communication for a Religiously Diverse World".

Master's students are expected to show a large degree of independence. If necessary you can make use of various forms of study supervision and study support. For example, you can contact a mentor or your study advisor. You will also receive structural supervision from the lecturer who is the specialist in the field of your thesis.