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Education Master's and PhD degree programmes Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment
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Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment

How are new and innovative drugs and therapies developed? How can research help us find ways to prevent, treat and manage diseases? Can we harness the power of the immune system for disease treatment?

Study MMIT and be part of the next generation of successful scientists, joining a community dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and making a meaningful impact on the future of healthcare!

Become a successful researcher

The MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment (MMIT) is a two-year selective programme designed to educate motivated students through a challenging and high-quality multidisciplinary curriculum. Whether you aspire to work in or outside academia, we will prepare you for a successful career in (bio)medical and pharmaceutical sciences. The programme is unique in that all the courses focus on how to become a successful independent researcher. Right from the start, you will learn to become a critical evaluator of current research, develop your own ideas, and define the kind of researcher you want to become.

A multi-disciplinary curriculum

MMIT offers a rare advantage by integrating clinical, medical, and pharmaceutical aspects. It covers a wide range of exciting topics in molecular and translational medical research such as Immunology and infectious diseases, drug innovation and development, neurobiology and neurodegenerative diseases, cancer biology and immune therapy, cardiovascular diseases, and bioinformatic and system medicine.

Follow your own path

Whether your interest lies in brain research, genetics, epigenetics, nanomedicine, microbiology, personalized medicine, or any other topic within (bio)medical and pharmaceutical sciences, as an MMIT student, you have the opportunity to tailor your studies to your specific interests and ambitions. After the first semester, you can also choose to specialize (or not!) in one of the following areas:

Cutting-edge facilities and resources

The MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment is housed at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Department of Pharmacy, and coordinated by the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS). Therefore, as an MMIT student, you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities for (pharmacy)genomics, proteomics, and in vivo and in vitro imaging.

Interactive learning

Throughout the MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment programme, we put a strong emphasis on interactive learning, fostering small-group discussions and collaborations, and acquiring transferable skills such as critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, etc. Your personal and professional development is our main focus.

A hands-on approach

With the learning-by-doing principle at the core of our programme, you will have frequent interactions with our team of dedicated researchers and supervisors. This hands-on approach will provide you with practical experiences, creating an optimal learning environment and allowing you to quickly acquire new knowledge and skills.

Internship opportunities

To gain even more hands-on experience you will have the opportunity to complete two research internships, also called research projects, either at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), within the Netherlands, or abroad in the country of your choice or within our extensive international network spanning across Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

Shape the future of modern medicine

If you are seeking to make a difference in the field of modern medicine then MMIT is the ideal choice for you! Read on below for more information on the unique features of MMIT, the courses offered, the entry requirements, and the job prospects.

Contact us at mmit or via WhatsApp for any questions.

For news and updates on MMIT follow us on Instagram & LinkedIn.

Facts & Figures
MSc in Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment
Course type
24 months (120 ECTS)
Croho code
Language of instruction
Medical Sciences

Why study this programme in Groningen?

The MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment aims to train motivated students in a challenging high-quality multidisciplinary programme to become the next generation of talented (bio)medical and pharmaceutical scientists in academia and in the private sector. When selecting MMIT you can look forward to:

-Becoming part of a close-knit international cohort of a maximum of 35 students
-Engaging in a stimulating multidisciplinary and intercultural approach to problem-solving
-Receiving ongoing individual guidance throughout your academic journey to help you achieve your personal learning objectives
-Enjoying the flexibility to select a specialization that aligns with your interests
- Designing your own study path
-Benefiting from high quality teaching by renowned researchers
-Receiving support for both personal and professional growth
-Having the opportunity to undertake two major (international) medical research internships


You'll find below the list of mandatory courses for the first year of the MSc in Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment. Click on each of them to see the description.

More details on each course, the assignments as well as their schedule, can be found on the course catalog at MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment (MMIT) - Ocasys (

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Experimental Techniques in Research (9 EC)

In the course Experimental techniques in research, you will get acquainted with state-of-the-art technologies in (bio)medical and pharmaceutical sciences. The course begins with an introduction week focused on basic programming, statistics, graphing and designing experiments. In the following weeks the following topics are addressed: genetics and genomics, model organisms, imaging, protein research, pharmacology and drug development and translational research.

Mechanisms of Disease and Innovative Therapies (11 EC)

Mechanisms of Disease and Innovative Therapies covers contemporary topics in cell biology for biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences. It begins with a one-week refresher on molecular biology and pharmacy basics to ensure everyone has a solid foundation. Then, you will explore specialized research fields and develop academic skills like critical reading, summarizing articles, debating, scientific writing, and presenting.

Capita Selecta (5 EC)

As an MMIT student, you will participate in the Capita Selecta course in either year 1 or year 2, during the elective periods, depending on your own study plan. This course aims to help you gain comprehensive knowledge and insights into a specific research problem. You will enhance your research skills in scientific reading, writing, and argumentation by conducting a literature study on a topic of your choice under the guidance of a supervisor. The Capita assignment involves a written discussion based on scientific problem and objective literature research. Through this essay, you will showcase your ability to take a scientific position, supported by your literature findings, and present well-structured arguments in writing.

Fit for Practice 1 (3 EC)

The course Fit for Practice 1 is dedicated to your personal and professional development and will run throughout the first year. It involves creating a portfolio that encompasses your interests, goals, personal SWOT analysis, and an action plan for developing the four core competence roles of the Master's programme: Researcher, Communicator, Collaborator, and Professional. Additionally, you will learn about scientific integrity and ethics in research, which are essential for becoming a researcher who upholds the principles of good science. The course includes mentor meetings to explore your ambitions and abilities, enhance your communication skills, and encourage self-reflection.

Introduction Research Project I (2 EC)

In the course Introduction to Research Project I, you will write a paper essay as a preparation for your research project. In this paper essay you will review the relevant literature, elaborate on the research subject, phrase a hypothesis and make a planning of your research project. The essay can also serve as a basis for the introduction of the final report that has to be written at the end of the Research project I, hence the name.

Research Project I (30 EC)

In Research Project I (RPI), you will gain hands-on experience by conducting experiments, analyzing data, adjusting methods and research questions, designing additional experiments, collecting and evaluating new data, interpreting results, and drawing scientific conclusions. This immersive research internship is done at the UMCG. In the second year, the research project can be done in other institutions or even abroad.

You'll find below the list of mandatory courses for the first year of the MSc in Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment. Click on each of them to see the description.

More details on each course, the assignments as well as their schedule, can be found on the course catalog at MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment (MMIT) - Ocasys (

CoursesCourse Catalog >1a1b2a2b
Electives (15 EC)

In Year 2, you will begin with a 9-week elective period, worth 15 ECTS. During this time, the UMCG and the University of Groningen offer specialized courses (3 weeks per course, 5 ECTS each) related to specific MMIT specializations such as molecular pharmacology, systems medicine, drug discovery, gene therapy, precision medicine etc. Additionally, you have the flexibility to choose electives outside of the UMCG as long as they align with the learning outcomes of the MMIT programme and are approved by the examiner.

PhD Project Proposal (8 EC)

To prepare you for becoming an independent researcher, you will receive training in writing and defending your own PhD project proposal (8 EC). You will have the freedom to choose your project topic and supervisor. This course aim to equip you with valuable skills for future grant applications and procedures.

Capita Selecta (5 EC)

As an MMIT student, you will participate in the Capita Selecta course in either year 1 or year 2, during the elective periods, depending on your own study plan. This course aims to help you gain comprehensive knowledge and insights into a specific research problem. You will enhance your research skills in scientific reading, writing, and argumentation by conducting a literature study on a topic of your choice under the guidance of a supervisor. The Capita assignment involves a written discussion based on scientific problem and objective literature research. Through this essay, you will showcase your ability to take a scientific position, supported by your literature findings, and present well-structured arguments in writing.

Fit for Practice 2 (2 EC)

The course Fit for practice 2 is dedicated to your personal and professional development and will run throughout the first year. It involves creating a portfolio that encompasses your interests, goals, personal SWOT analysis, and an action plan for developing the four core competence roles of the Master's programme: Researcher, Communicator, Collaborator, and Professional. Additionally you will learn about scientific integrity and ethics in research, which are essential for becoming a researcher who upholds the principles of good science. The course includes mentor meetings to explore your ambitions and abilities, enhance your communication skills, and encourage self-reflection.

Research Project II (33 EC)

This project should substantially differ, either in theory, practice, or both, from the first research project done in year 1. This distinction aims to significantly expand your knowledge and skills. Research Project II can be conducted both within and outside the UMCG. You will be encouraged to pursue a project that aligns with your research interests and academic aspirations, and various funding opportunities will be provided to facilitate your stay abroad if desired.

Study load

40 hours of class and self-study per week on average


Throughout the MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment you will have the opportunity to delve into medical, biomedical or pharmaceutical topics, and explore exciting cutting-edge research methodologies.

Additionally, you will acquire valuable transferable skills, including critically analyzing literature, designing innovative research questions, translating hypotheses into viable research plans, conducting large-scale research projects, and developing effective scientific communication skills, both in written and oral forms. Moreover, you will become proficient in creating persuasive grant proposals. MMIT students also have the opportunity to specialize in a specific research field. Choosing a specialization is not mandatory; however, if you opt for one, it will be included in your diploma supplement.

Programme options
Neuroscience (specialization)

How do neurodevelopmental disorders arise and are they reversible? How is organismal or central nervous system ageing involved in neurodegenerative disorders?

In this specialization, you will be exposed to a range of topics in the field of neurobiology, ranging from fundamental neurobiology, basic research, to more (pre)clinical translational research. We aim to unravel the (epi)genetic basis of central nervous system (CNS) disease. The underlying cell biological defects in the context of various conditions and disorders will be addressed in in vitro models, animals and humans.

For detailed information on neuroscience-associated research, please go to the Department of Biomedical Sciences of Cells and Systems (in particular the sections Molecular Neuroscience and Molecular Cell Biology):

For information and guidance on Neuroscience research, please contact the Neuroscience specialization coordinators dr. Bart Eggen at b.j.l.eggen or dr. Susanne Kooistra at s.m.kooistra

More information about this option

Oncology (specialization)

How do alterations in the genome, epigenome and/or metabolome drive cellular transformation? How is cellular and/or organismal ageing involved in cancer development?

In this specialization, you will focus on a range of aspects in the field of cancer biology, spanning the entire scope from rather fundamental basic research to (pre)clinical translational research and ultimately clinical trials. We aim to unravel the molecular mechanisms that determine malignant transformation of solid and hematological tumors and to translate these fundamental insights into improved early detection and treatment of cancer.

For information and guidance on Oncology research, please contact the Oncology specialization coordinator prof. dr. J.J.Schuringa at j.j.schuringa

Infection and Immunity (specialization)

What are the detrimental and beneficial roles of microorganisms in human health and disease? How can we exploit this knowledge in the prevention and fight against infectious diseases?

What are the mechanisms that underlay or contribute to immune-mediated diseases? How can we exploit the immune system to treat (immune-mediated)diseases?

In this specialization, you can unravel the mechanisms underlying immune-mediated chronic diseases by translation of basic immunological concepts into clinical practice (and vice versa). You become involved in research contributing to personalized and precision medicine for infectious and immune-mediated diseases. You will be exposed to a wide variety of research topics ranging from the roles of microbes in the etiology of major autoimmune disorders, the genetics of celiac disease to targeting immune pathways for treatment .

For information and guidance on infection and immunity research, please contact the infection and immunity specialization coordinators prof. dr. Jan Maarten van Dijl at j.m.van.dijl01 or prof. dr. Peter Heeringa at p.heeringa

Metabolic Diseases (specialization)

Is every calorie the same? Does healthy obesity exist? Via which pathways does an unbalanced diet lead to diseases? What is the best nutrition during health and illness?

The prevalence of metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, increases with age and is often associated with a sedentary lifestyle and excessive calorie intake. These diseases contribute significantly to liver, digestive, cardiovascular, and certain types of cancer (gut and liver). Given the global obesity epidemic, these diseases are responsible for most of the morbidity and mortality worldwide. In contrast, rare genetic metabolic disorders - of course! - do not have such a huge health impact, but they provide crucial insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic processes and aid in the development of new treatment strategies.

In this specialization you will focus on both basic and (pre)clinical translational research related to metabolic diseases. You will develop a strong understanding of the molecular basis of these diseases and receive training on how research, particularly in the basic sciences, can contribute to the development of evidence-based strategies for prevention, treatment, and management of metabolic diseases.

To learn more about the Metabolic Disease specialization within the UMCG and the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP) and to receive information and guidance, please contact the Metabolic Diseases specialisation coordinator Prof. Jan Albert Kuivenhoven at j.a.kuivenhoven

Systems Medicine (specialization)

A central role for Systems Medicine methods in all biological and medical fields?

Computational methods are as diverse as the questions and problems which they tackle. In this specialization, the students gain an overview of a broad spectrum of computational methods and strategies, including top-down approaches to analyze and model genome scale data and bottom up approaches to study the detailed dynamics of molecular networks. In doing so we will cover multi-scale data across the genome, transcriptome, proteome, microbiome and metabolome. The needs and constraints for acquisition of quantitative data at all scales will be covered, as much as the differences in computational approaches used to analyze different data types.

For detailed information on bioinformatic and systems research and guidance on where to conduct your computational research of choice, contact the Medical Systems Biology and Bioinformatics specialization coordinator Prof. dr. Sebo Withoff (s.withoff

Drugs and Devices (specialization)

Are you interested in finding new and innovative drugs and therapies and do you wish to improve the use of existing drugs?

The disciplines covered in this track circle around the theme: 'molecules for patients'. You are encouraged to bridge the gap between the fundamental natural sciences (such as chemistry and physics) and the medical/clinical sciences in the field of medicinal products and technologies.

This specialization contributes to the entire field of the pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, from basic areas like drug discovery, chemical analysis and synthesis to (clinical) pharmaceutical practice and patient-oriented research. Knowledge from different research disciplines is combined in the design and evaluation of optimal drugs, products and therapies that are being made available to society.

Research in this specialization is of high societal impact with several drugs or related products developed in-house on the market or in clinical trials, several spin-offs and companies, a strong portfolio of patents and research that contributes directly to healthcare policymaking. For information and guidance on Drug Innovation research, please contact the Drug Innovation specialization coordinator Prof. dr. Hélder Almeida Santos at h.a.santos

Innovative Medicine (track)

The Innovative Medicine (IMIM) track is a 2-year programme focusing on the education of tomorrow's leading translational biomedical researchers.

The common thread throughout IMIM is the 'From Bench to Bedside and Beyond' (BBB) Learning Line. BBB helps you get a full perspective on medical sciences, ranging from the underlying basic mechanisms of disease to drug design and the clinical applications of research.

In addition, you will participate in a Summer School and have the unique opportunity to learn from different experts in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property Rights, and Research Funding.

The strong IMIM connection with private-sector partners further ensures that you will gain important insights into non-academic perspectives on research, develop strong professional skills and become business savvy.

More information about this option

Study abroad

  • Study abroad is optional
  • Maximum of 35 EC

Studying abroad is an optional opportunity for students, providing them with the chance to enhance their international experience during their second research project (RPII).

In the past, students have undertaken their internships (RPI and / or RPII) at renowned institutions such as the Boston Children's Hospital, the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, Yale University, the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science at King's College London, the Karolinska Institute (Sweden), New York Rockefeller University, the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Hospital (Germany), KU Leuven (Belgium), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), UCSF San Francisco, Freiburg University Hospital, University of Cambridge, University of Colorado, and University of Oxford.

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

With a bachelor's degree in the fields of medicine, biology, biochemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, dentistry, or life science and technology you are admissible. If you have another degree background the selection committee will determine whether your background meets the admission requirements. Feel free to contact us for advice.

grade list

You will need to provide your official university transcript. It should include a list of all the courses you've taken, with the credit hours for each, the final grades you received, an explanation of the grading system used, and your class rank if available. Make sure to include the grades for courses you didn't pass as well.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

You will need to send us an up-to-date CV

assessment interview

After the initial selection process, a number of applicants will be invited by the selection committee for an interview. We offer the option of conducting the interview online, so you do not need to travel to Groningen. During the interview, you will be asked to present a research project you undertook as part of your previous studies, and to elaborate on your motivation to apply for the Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment programme. More details here:

language test

Please make sure to visit for more information about the accepted language tests and the required minimum scores.

(motivation-) letter

The motivation letter is an opportunity for you to convey your enthusiasm, goals, and suitability for the MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment programme. Make sure to describe your expectations for the programme and how it aligns with your future career plans. Additionally, emphasize the qualities and experiences that make you the right fit for MMIT.

other admission requirements

The MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment is a selective master programme for which a maximum of 35 students are accepted each year. Our main focus is on delivering high-quality education, in small groups, so every student gets personal attention and can grow. Therefore a selection procedure is part of the admission process. You can find more details on the application and selection processes on our dedicated page.

Transfer options

Transferring from...

Study programmeOrganizationTransition
Biomedische WetenschappenAll Research universitiesAdditional requirements
PharmacyAll Research universitiesAdditional requirements
Pharmaceutical SciencesAll Research universitiesAdditional requirements
Life Science and TechnologyAll Research universitiesAdditional requirements
BiologyAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Molecular Life SciencesAll Research universitiesAdditional requirements
MedicineAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Biomedical EngineeringAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Molecular and Biophysical Life SciencesAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Molecular Life SciencesAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Bio-Farmaceutische WetenschappenAll Research universitiesAdditional requirements
Biomedical SciencesAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
BiotechnologyAll Research universitiesAdditional requirements
Molecular Science and Technology (joint degree)All Research universitiesAdditional requirements
BiologyAll Research universitiesNo additional requirements
Study programmeOrganizationTransition
BiologyUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements
PharmacyUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements
Life Science and TechnologyUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements
MedicineUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements
Biomedical EngineeringUniversity of GroningenNo additional requirements

Registration procedure

You will find below a quick overview of the application and selection procedure. Make sure to visit our "How to Apply" page for more detailed information .

  1. If you have a Dutch Bachelor's degree, you will first need to register on Studielink.
  2. You will need to send an email to mmit and request further instructions about the application procedure.
  3. Your application will then be evaluated by the MMIT admissions board.
  4. If you are selected, you will be invited for an interview, which can be conducted online or in-person.
  5. After all the interviews are completed the admissions board will review each applications and inform you of the results. You should expect to hear from us within 2 to 3 weeks after the interview.

Selection procedure

We prioritize high-quality education and provide a small-scale learning environment to ensure personal attention and the growth of our students. In order to maintain an engaging learning experience, our programme has a limited number of spots available each year, accepting a maximum of 35 students. To ensure the best fit and experience for our students, we have a thorough selection procedure as part of the admission process:

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Please note:

Applications for 2025-2026 are open!
All applicants with a non-Dutch bachelor qualification will have to pay an application fee. More information about the application fee can be found on this page:

Admission requirements

Specific requirementsMore information
previous education

With a bachelor's degree in the fields of medicine, biology, biochemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical sciences, genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, dentistry, or life science and technology you are admissible. If you have another degree background the selection committee will determine whether your background meets the admission requirements. Feel free to contact us for advice.

grade list

You will need to provide your official university transcript. It should include a list of all the courses you've taken, with the credit hours for each, the final grades you received, an explanation of the grading system used, and your class rank if available. Make sure to include the grades for courses you didn't pass as well.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

You will need to send us an up-to-date CV

assessment interview

After the initial selection process, a number of applicants will be invited by the selection committee for an interview. We offer the option of conducting the interview online, so you do not need to travel to Groningen. During the interview, you will be asked to present a research project you undertook as part of your previous studies, and to elaborate on your motivation to apply for the Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment programme. More details here:

language test

Please make sure to consult for more information about the accepted language tests and the required minimum scores.

reference letter

You will need to submit one academic reference letter.

(motivation-) letter

The motivation letter is an opportunity for you to convey your enthusiasm, goals, and suitability for the MSc Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment programme. Make sure to describe your expectations for the programme and how it aligns with your future career plans. Additionally, emphasize the qualities and experiences that make you the right fit for MMIT.

other admission requirements

We prioritize high-quality education and provide a small-scale learning environment to ensure personal attention and the growth of our students. In order to maintain an engaging learning experience, our programme has a limited number of spots available each year, accepting a maximum of 35 students.

To ensure the best fit and experience for our students, we have a thorough selection procedure as part of the admission process. You can find more about the selection procedure on our dedicated page.

Language requirements

ExamMinimum score
C1 Advanced (formerly CAE)C1
C2 Proficiency (formerly CPE)C2
IELTS overall band6.5
IELTS listening6
IELTS reading6
IELTS writing6
IELTS speaking6
TOEFL internet based92

Registration procedure

You will find below a quick overview of the application and selection procedure. Make sure to visit our "How to Apply" page for more detailed information .

  1. If you have a non-Dutch degree, you will first need to register on Studielink, then you will be invited to finalize your application in the online Progress Portal of the University of Groningen.
  2. Once you've completed the registration process, the Admissions Office will conduct an initial review to ensure that all required documentation is complete and verify your educational background.
  3. Your application will then be evaluated by the MMIT admissions board.
  4. If you are selected, you will be invited for an interview, which can be conducted online or in-person.
  5. After all the interviews are completed the admissions board will review each applications and inform you of the results. You should expect to hear from us within 2 to 3 weeks after the interview.

Selection procedure

We prioritize high-quality education and provide a small-scale learning environment to ensure personal attention and the growth of our students. In order to maintain an engaging learning experience, our programme has a limited number of spots available each year, accepting a maximum of 35 students. To ensure the best fit and experience for our students, we have a thorough selection procedure as part of the admission process:

Application deadlines

Type of studentDeadlineStart course
Dutch students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026
non-EU/EEA students01 May 202501 September 2025
01 May 202601 September 2026

Please note:

Applications for 2025-2026 are open!
All applicants with a non-Dutch bachelor qualification will have to pay an application fee. More information about the application fee can be found on this page:

Tuition fees

NationalityYearFeeProgramme form
EU/EEA2024-2025€ 2530full-time
non-EU/EEA2024-2025€ 24200full-time
EU/EEA2025-2026€ 2601full-time
non-EU/EEA2025-2026€ 24900full-time

Practical information for:

After your studies

Job prospects

Our programme has a strong track record of success, with an almost non-existing drop-out rate and the vast majority of students completing the programme within two years. Over 90% of our graduates find employment within six months of completing their studies.

Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of the programme you'll have a diverse range of career paths to choose from.

You'll be well-prepared to pursue a research-focused career, while also having the flexibility to explore positions that bridge science with business and policy.

Additionally, our extensive LinkedIn alumni network, consisting of over 280 MMIT graduates, offers valuable support in your job search and career preparation. Furthermore, through our Lifelong Learning initiative we are committed to provide you with opportunities to acquire new valuable professional skills throughout your career.

PhD Research

The MMIT programme is an excellent preparation for a successful PhD, with over 60% of our graduates choosing to continue their academic journey through PhD research. Other graduates have pursued PhD positions at other prestigious universities.

Where are our graduates now?

From traditional scientific roles to entrepreneurial endeavours, MMIT graduates have a wide range of career opportunities in academia and the private sector.

Some have pursued careers as scientists, biomedical scientists, and research associate. Others have found success as immunologist, laboratory analysts, medical writers, and group leaders in biotechnology laboratories.

The MMIT programme also equips you with the skills and knowledge to explore opportunities in business development and management roles within the healthcare industry. Previous graduates founded their own biotechnology company, became hospital and health care consultants, oncology researchers, scientific immunologists, Mmnagers in innovation and technology, project managers in biotechnology R&D.

Whether you aspire to make groundbreaking discoveries in the lab, lead innovative research projects, or embark on entrepreneurial ventures, the MMIT programme prepares you for a rewarding and impactful career in the field of modern medicine.


From Theory to Practice: Your research journey in MMIT

Research is a key component of the Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment programme. With six specializations (Neuroscience, Oncology, Infection and Immunity, Metabolic Diseases, Systems Medicine and Drugs and Devices) aligned with the research institutes of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), our programme covers the full spectrum of the research process, from fundamental to clinical research.

MMIT Students are actively encouraged to participate in conferences and congresses like ISCOMS. An annual budget is available for participation costs.

As you progress through the programme, you'll have the opportunity to develop your research skills and expertise. During the second year of the programme, you'll learn how to write your own grant proposal. This practice prepares you for future grant applications. At the end of the programme, you can submit this proposal or another one to the Graduate School of Medical Sciences to get funding. The best proposals will be awarded with a PhD position at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences, giving you the opportunity to can carry out your own research project.

What do our alumni say about their research projects during the MMIT programme?

Anjana Sridharan

"My time during the research projects were highly rewarding. Writing research proposals, working independently, presenting to the team, and brainstorming new ideas laid the fundamentals for a career in science."

Theodora Grosu

"Having heard from top-of-the-field researchers leading these specialisations, I chose to follow the Oncology track. During this track, I had the opportunity to expand my theoretical knowledge and learn about the latest research in the field, as well as participate in Oncology-related research myself. During this 6-month internship, I had the opportunity to work alongside and be introduced to the world of (oncology) research by inspiring (early-career) scientists at the UMCG. I believe this have strongly paved my way to pursuing a PhD degree in Medicine, which I am currently focusing on."

Inge Zuhorn, Programme Director

"With the six different specializations, students are given freedom to focus on the fields of their interest. Each specialization will be presented at the beginning of the programme and students can decide if they want to participate in a specialization or follow the general programme. Students are assigned a mentor who helps them with decision making. Before students enter their first research project, they are asked to arrange a personal interview with three UMCG/GRIP professors of their choice. ‘That is where your motivation and independent decision making comes in again. You have to argue –via an oral presentation- which of the three laboratories suits your research ambitions the best.’ The students perform two research internships which counts for 1 year of the programme. Here, the students experience being a junior researcher and learn important skills related to scientific research, communication of research, collaborate with colleagues and professional behavior. Combined with the theoretical courses and our strong focus on personal and professional development we prepare the students to work as a scientist."

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Working alongside the best scientists in the world was truly inspiring and an experience I will benefit from forever

Tell us a bit about you

Hi! My name is Noortje and I am a recent graduate from the MMIT programme. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Biology, majoring in Biomedical Sciences, here in Groningen. Groningen is the definition of a student city and as a result, there are loads of exciting opportunities to keep you busy. During my studies, I joined several committees at different student associations and became a competitive rower.

During the MMIT programme I was able to further explore this interest in various fields of biomedical research. I decided to continue with the oncology track and used my first research project to study the molecular mechanisms underlying acute myeloid leukemia. In my second year, I wanted to know more about gene regulation - as this is often disturbed in cancer - and was able to find an internship position at the University of Oxford in a lab that studied gene regulatory mechanisms. Specifically, I studied how the spatial organization of the chromatin affects gene expression.

Your proudest achievement during MMIT?

I was most proud of getting offered an internship position at the University of Oxford. I always wanted to do an internship abroad, but I would never have thought that Oxford was one of the possibilities. Working alongside the best scientists in the world was truly inspiring and an experience I will benefit from forever. Receiving the GUF-100 prize for best student of the Faculty of Medical Sciences was icing on the cake.

Your preferred aspect(s) of the MMIT programme?

I particularly liked the small group teaching and network that comes with it. You will have a lot of personal contact with teachers/professors so you can ask all the questions you want. Another aspect that is worth mentioning is the MMIT office, which is always willing to help with any issues that you encounter during your studies!

During course assignments you will usually receive personal guidance or feedback from (assistant) professors. I find this very valuable as you can learn a lot from interacting with professors. Like their perspectives on certain research topics, how the academic world is structured, how they think, or how they present and discuss their data. This will be very useful regardless of what kind of career you want to pursue.

How has MMIT prepared you for your career?

The MMIT programme has been instrumental for me in developing my research skills. During my first research project, I was very inexperienced and therefore often insecure about my research skills. However, in research, it is learning by doing, and therefore your learning curve is very steep. During my second research project in Oxford, I already felt much more confident and I got a lot of freedom to plan my own experiments and manage not one, but two, research projects.

MMIT prepared me for my future career mainly by letting me gain research experience. Not just by learning new lab techniques (I will probably not even use them anymore in the future) but more so by learning about science in general. Learning how to read the literature, how to critically evaluate research, how to plan a research project, how to interact with scientists and physicians, and how to write down and present your findings. These skills and experiences are fundamental for any career related to science – in academia and beyond.

Any tips for future MMIT students?

A useful strategy that has helped me throughout my entire study is networking! Don’t be afraid to email people who might be of interest to you or could help you find what you need - like an internship position. I once emailed a professor in my field of interest to ask for international contacts for an internship and she very quickly agreed to have a meeting to discuss my interests. Afterwards, she provided me with a whole list of people I could contact.

The MMIT programme is challenging but not outrageous. In general, I managed to complete all my coursework within 40 hours per week. What I very much appreciated was the fact that our deadlines were always on Fridays, so you can relax during the weekend. During the research projects (internships) you have a lot of freedom to plan your own agenda and decide how much time you want to spend on your project.

Noortje Van Dijk, MMIT Alumna, graduated in 2023

The MMIT programme has undeniably provided me with numerous opportunities for both professional and personal growth

Tell us a bit about you

I'm Marcel Vieira-Lara, originally from São Paulo, Brazil. I hold a BSc in Molecular Sciences from São Paulo and pursued further studies in the Netherlands, obtaining an MSc in MMIT and a PhD in Systems Biology and Energy Metabolism in Groningen. After a postdoc in Biotechnology in Delft, I now serve as an Assistant Professor at TU Delft.

Beyond academia, my interests span nature, languages, cultures, sustainability, piano, and psychology to name a few. A fun fact: I grew up in the Brazilian countryside surrounded not only by cats and dogs but also by chickens and a rescued native terrestrial bird!

How did the MMI programme support your personal and professional growth?

By constantly challenging us with assignments outside of our (or at least mine!) comfort zone. A few examples were: (1) writing a literature review in a short period of time on a topic that time unknown to me, (2) writing, presenting and defending a PhD project in front of a reviewer committee. These were very powerful experiences with a steep learning curve that prepared me for the challenges that I encountered ahead. Another point worth mentioning is the Dutch directness. The feedback received was always straight to the point, which made it very valuable in terms of professional and personal development.

The MSc programme focuses on teamwork and team-building from day one. We had the opportunity to work side-by-side with colleagues coming from different corners of the globe, which made it a very enriching experience.

I have always been passionate about metabolism. I then pursued two internships in this field, where I had contact with techniques ranging from cell culture, gene editing and mass-spectrometry to computational modelling of pathways. Those practical skills were fundamental in my development as a researcher, both during my PhD as well as in my current career.

Tell us about the two research projects (internships) you did during the programme

In the MMIT programme we have the opportunity to conduct two research projects. During the first year of the programme, we attended seminars led by professors from various labs and departments within the UMCG. One of these seminars, presented by Prof. Barbara Bakker, caught my attention due to the quantitative reasoning on metabolic pathways. After getting in touch with her, I decided to conduct my first research in her group.

In this internship, I generated an in vitro model of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (a metabolic disease). I also contributed to the development of a computational model of the defective pathway in the liver, focusing on the metabolite coenzyme A. Such a combination of wet lab and modelling work served as a basis for a better understanding of underlying mechanisms and possible treatments for the disease. During this internship, I had the opportunity to collaborate with different groups within the UMCG. My thesis was entitled Coenzyme A Depletion in an inborn Fatty-Acid Oxidation Disorder.

Barbara assisted me in finding a supervisor for my second research internship, which I conducted at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The research focused on the crosstalk between a reserve carbohydrate and the pentose phosphate pathway in Leishmania, a pathogen that causes the neglected tropical disease leishmaniasis.

Where are you now?

After completing the MPDI programme, I pursued a PhD in Prof. Barbara Bakker's group, followed by a postdoc under the supervision of Prof. Jack Pronk at the Department of Biotechnology of TU Delft. In June 2023, I began my journey as an Assistant Professor in the same department. Currently, I am in the process of establishing my own research group, marking an incredibly exciting moment in my career.

In my case, I have always been drawn to an academic career, but many of my peers have pursued paths in industry. When I started the MPDI programme, I had no idea that I would be where I am today, roughly 8 years later. The programme has undeniably provided me with numerous opportunities for both professional and personal growth.

Marcel Vieira-Lara, Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), MMIT Alumnus, graduated in 2017

I was able to pursue specific topics and had the opportunity to specialize in one of my interests later during the programme.

I have always believed the right education will give immense confidence and belief in oneself. The MMIT master programme has been that for me. I was able to pursue specific topics and had the opportunity to specialize in one of my interests later during the programme.

My time during the research projects was highly rewarding. Writing research proposals, working independently, presenting to the team, and brainstorming new ideas laid the fundamentals for a career in science.

Apart from science and academics, the self-development sessions with my mentor are something that I will cherish. They helped me introspect myself and set realistic goals. I became aware not only of my strengths but also of the places that I must work on to build myself. I learnt to trust my intuitions, believe in my abilities and constantly work on myself from the feedback I receive. This has shaped me and given me the preparedness to face the world.

Last but not least, the MMIT office is a wonderful team of women who are always around when you need them. Moving to another country to pursue a master's during the pandemic was a challenging experience for me, but the MMIT office made things smooth and always looked out for their students which I’m grateful for!

If you are someone who is interested in research, loves science, and wants to set foot into the research world, this master's is for you! MMIT guides you, moulds you and helps you to comfortably take your place in the world of research!

Anjana Sridharan, MMIT Alumna, graduated in 2019

All in all, if given the chance, I would definitely choose the MMIT programme over and over again!

After completing my bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences, I was unsure which specific path I want to follow. Luckily, MMIT offers six specializations, which are thoroughly presented at the beginning of the programme. Having heard from top-of-the-field researchers leading these specializations, I chose to follow the Oncology track.

After completing my bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences, I was unsure which specific path I wanted to follow. Luckily, MMIT offers six specializations, which are thoroughly presented at the beginning of the programme. Having heard from top-of-the-field researchers leading these specializations, I chose to follow the Oncology track.

During this track, I had the opportunity to expand my theoretical knowledge and learn about the latest research in the field, as well as participate in Oncology-related research myself. During this 6-month internship, I had the opportunity to work alongside and be introduced to the world of (oncology) research by inspiring (early-career) scientists at the UMCG. I believe this has strongly paved my way to pursuing a PhD degree in Medicine, which I am currently focusing on.

All in all, if given the chance, I would definitely choose the MMIT programme over and over again!

On top of all the transferable skills and experience I have gained at the UG/UMCG, I made a lot of good friends from all over the world, due to the multicultural environment in the MMIT programme.

Theodora Grosu, MMIT Alumna, Graduated in 2022

Study associations

GLV Idun

Groninger LevenswetenschappenVereniging Idun is the study association for Biology, Life Science & Technology, Biomedical Engineering, and their connecting master programs.
The association organises various activities, from social activities, like our weekly drinks, or even traveling abroad. In addition, Idun also organizes career/education-related activities like company visits and lunch lectures. GLV Idun contributes to a fun student time by bringing students together, and preparing her members for their career ahead!
Student profile

MMIT offers a multidisciplinary teaching and research environment, welcoming research-minded students from diverse educational backgrounds. If you are driven to become a top (bio)medical researcher, enjoy problem-solving, possess a creative mindset, and thrive in an international setting, the ambitious master's programme in Molecular Medicine and Innovative Treatment is the perfect fit for you!

Join us on a journey of discovery and excellence in the field of medical research. By studying MMIT, you will be part of the next generation of successful scientists, joining a community dedicated to advancing medical knowledge and making a meaningful impact on the future of healthcare.

Study support

When applying, you will be guided throughout the application, admission and starting process of the master's programme. Student counseling starts right from the beginning of the curriculum, with an introduction to the programme, students, staff members and the study advisor. Throughout the year, the programme coordinator and the master's office are available to address any questions you may have regarding the programme.

Additionally, our dedicated student advisor can assist you with study progression matters, such as study delay, planning, personal circumstances, choice of degree programme, issues with supervisors, special facilities and performance disabilities and more. During your studies, you will also have a mentor with whom you will discuss your overall study progress annually.

To help you in making informed decisions about your future career options, you will have the opportunity to participate in our career perspective workshops. These workshops cover various topics such as matching a PhD to your personal strengths, doing a PhD in the Netherlands, a panel discussion on life in academia, how to write an academic CV and cover letter, and an event called “Careers outside academia” (organized by a team of students) that features guest speakers from different fields discussing their non-academic careers. In addition to these tailored workshops, you are invited to join general workshops on self-analysis for career orientation, CV tips & tricks, job interview tips & tricks, how to successfully network and LinkedIn organized by UG Career Services.