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Onderwijs Master en PhD opleidingen Mediastudies
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Wil je meer weten over digitale en sociale media, over mediagebruik of journalistiek? Kies dan een van de vijf tracks binnen de master Mediastudies. Alle tracks duren anderhalf jaar (90 ECTS).

Journalistiek (Nederlandstalig)
Een gezonde samenleving heeft goede journalistiek nodig. Hoe en waarom is de journalistiek zo aan het veranderen? Hoe maak je zelf onafhankelijke, betrouwbare en boeiende journalistieke verhalen? In deze track word je opgeleid tot verslaggever en leer je kritisch denken over wat journalistiek inhoudt. Je ontwikkelt zowel praktische vaardigheden als academische kennis.

Voor de tracks Journalistiek en Journalism geldt een selectieprocedure.

Journalism (English-taught)
Are you passionate about news and do you want to report and analyze current affairs? Do you want to know why journalism is transforming so quickly nowadays? This track trains students from diverse parts of the world to become international journalists, with in-depth academic knowledge in the field of Journalism Studies presented by journalism researchers and intensive training by experienced journalists, offering a solid foundation in the skills that are needed to succeed in journalism today.

For the track Journalism a selection procedure is in place.

Datafication and Digital Literacy
This MA track offers students the opportunity to gain cutting-edge knowledge of the digital transformations that profoundly change society. If you are interested in digital media, how digitalization and datafication transform society, and how a digital literacy perspective helps you to apply knowledge about this transformation in a range of professions, this track is the right one for you.

Media Creation and Innovation
In this MA track students explore how media are produced and (re-)used in a digital era. You study how new media technologies enable innovative formats and distinctive practices of media use, re-use and consumption. If you are interested in media creation and the way creativity and different forms of (digital) storytelling shape its practices, this track is the right one for you.

Social Media and Society
This MA track offers a critical exploration of social media within contemporary networked societies and trains students to work with (big) data in a responsible way. If you are interested in how social media transform society and want to learn how you can analyze social media data for research and professional purposes, this programme is the right one for you.

Feiten & Cijfers
MA in Mediastudies
Type opleiding
18 maanden (90 ECTS)
Croho code
Nederlands, Engels

Waarom dit programma in Groningen?

See the pages of the individual tracks.


For Journalism and Journalistiek: some of courses in the theoretical learning pathway are shared between the two tracks. All other courses are track-specific. For Datafication and Digital Literacy, Media Creation and Innovation and Social Media and Society: some of the courses in the theoretical learning pathway, all in the methodology learning pathway and all in the professional skills learning pathway are shared between the three tracks. All other courses are track-specific.

The third semester is designated for the MA thesis and the mandatory MA internship.

Journalistiek (track)

Wil je verslag doen van actuele gebeurtenissen en deze analyseren? Wil je nadenken over de rol van de journalistiek, nu dit veld zo snel verandert? Dan is deze track iets voor jou.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Journalism (track)

Do you want to report and analyse current affairs? Or reshape the rapidly changing field of journalism? This track puts you in the front line of contemporary journalism.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Datafication and Digital Literacy (track)

Ever wondered how algorithms make sense of our digital activities to determine what we see and do online? Do you want to understand how big data is affecting our daily lives and how digital literacy can empower people to navigate digital societies?.

Meer informatie over deze optie

Media Creation and Innovation (track)

Want to understand how new media technologies are used to create innovative formats and ways of storytelling, and how media innovation and start-up culture are rooted in creative processes?

Meer informatie over deze optie

Social Media and Society (track)

Why do some posts go viral on social media and others do not? How can social media analysis be used in business and policy decisions? How do platforms like Facebook change how we live and do business?

Meer informatie over deze optie

Studeren in het buitenland

  • Studeren in het buitenland is facultatief
  • Maximaal 15 EC

Het is mogelijk om in het buitenland een stage te doen.



Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

For specific information about the entry requirements for the different Master's tracks, please select the track of your choice:


For the tracks Journalistiek and Journalism a selection procedure is in place. Check the the individual track pages for the details.

taaltoets cijfer

Please check the individual track pages for language requirements.


Doorstromen vanaf..

Alle WO instellingen

Via een pre-master van maximaal 60 EC

Extra informatie:

Voor de tracks Journalistiek en Journalism geldt een aanvullende selectieprocedure.

Media StudiesRijksuniversiteit Groningen

Drempelloze toelating

Extra informatie:

The BA Media Studies gives direct access to the tracks Datafication and Digital Literacy, Media Creation and Innovation, and Social Media and Society.


All degree programmes from University of Groningen and other research universities give access, though a pre-master programme might be necessary. Please check specific requirements per track on the track pages.

For the tracks Journalistiek and Journalism there is an additional selection procedure in place. Apply via the 'Apply Now' button on the right.

Students with a University of Groningen degree in Media Studies are directly admissible to the tracks Datafication and Digital Literacy, Media Creation and Innovation, and Social Media and Society. Students from other BA programmes are advised to take the Faculty Minor Media Studies and students with an applied sciences diploma will need to do a pre-master in order to be admitted. If you have any questions on admission please email admission.mediastudies

After you complete your application, the Media Studies Admissions Board will assess whether your educational/academic background meets the specific track requirements, and will consider the level and curriculum of your previous studies.

The Admissions Board will then determine whether:

* direct admission is possible

* a student has to complete the pre-masterprogramme first

* a student cannot be admitted


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten15 augustus 202501 september 2025
15 augustus 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026
non-EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026

NB: Deadline Journalistiek / Journalism: 1 June (NL Students) and 1 May (EU/non-EU students) Deadline other tracks: 15 August (NL Students) and 1 May (EU/non-EU students)


Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

For specific information about the entry requirements for the different Master's tracks, please select the track of your choice:


For the tracks Journalistiek and Journalism a selection procedure is in place. Check the the individual track pages for the details.

taaltoets cijfer

Please check the individual track pages for language requirements.


All degree programmes from University of Groningen and other research universities give access, though a pre-master programme might be necessary. Please check specific requirements per track on the track pages.

For the tracks Journalistiek and Journalism there is an additional selection procedure in place. Please apply via the 'Apply Now' button on the right.

Students with a University of Groningen degree in Media Studies directly admissible to the tracks Datafication and Digital Literacy, Media Creation and Innovation, and Social Media and Society. Students form other BA programmes or a university of applied sciences will have to take a pre-master programme first.

After you complete your application, the Media Studies Admissions Board will assess whether your educational/academic background meets the specific track requirements, and will consider the level and curriculum of your previous studies.

The Admissions Board will then determine whether:

* direct admission is possible

* a student has to complete the pre-master programme first

* a student cannot be admitted


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten15 augustus 202501 september 2025
15 augustus 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026
non-EU/EEA studenten01 mei 202501 september 2025
01 mei 202601 september 2026

Deadline Journalistiek / Journalism: 1 May (NL students) and 1 May (EU/non-EU students) Deadline other tracks: 15 August (NL Students) and 1 May (EU/non-EU students)


EU/EER2024-2025€ 2530voltijd
niet EU/EER2024-2025€ 18700voltijd
EU/EER2025-2026€ 2601voltijd
niet EU/EER2025-2026€ 19200voltijd

Praktische informatie voor:

Na je studie

If you chose the Dutch-taught Journalism track, you will be able to work as a reporter/editor within a Dutch media organization. The English-taught track leads to similar functions in your country of origin or an international journalism context. Jobs in (non-profit) pr and communication, policy advice and research are another possibility.

With the track Datafication and Digital Literacy you will find positions in policy making, education, consultancy, data management, media and digital advocacy, media and data analysis.

The track Social Media and Society leads to positions in data analysis, market research, marketing, communication and public relations, consultancy, entrepreneurship and policy advice.

With the track Media Creation and Innovation, you will find positions in media management, media production, (online) communication, online publishing, advertising, audiovisual archives, web curating, content management, tool development, content creation, cultural organizations, entrepreneurship and start-ups.

Potentiële beroepen

  • PR/communicatiemedewerker
  • Beleidsmedewerker
  • Journalist/verslaggever


Onderzoek Journalistiek

De theoriedocenten voeren gevarieerd onderzoek uit op het terrein van Journalism Studies, ook binnen grotere samenwerkingsprojecten met bijvoorbeeld de universiteiten in Sheffield en Cardiff. Tijdens de opleiding maak je als student kennis met dat onderzoeksterrein en leer je ook zelf onderzoek te doen. Dat gebeurt tijdens de theorie- en onderzoekscolleges en bij je masterscriptie.

Soms leidt dat tot publicaties in de vorm van artikelen of boeken. Een voorbeeld is de bundel De hoofdredacteur. Over ondernemend leiderschap in de journalistiek (2011), dat voortkwam uit een onderzoekscollege met dat onderwerp.

De afdeling stimuleert de deelname van studenten aan congressen en symposia over journalistiek en Journalism Studies. Ook kun je gevraagd worden om als studentassistent mee te helpen aan een onderzoek.

Een paar langer lopende onderzoeksprojecten:

Op de profielpagina's vind je meer over de onderzoeksprojecten van de docenten.

Voorbeelden van masterscripties zijn te vinden in de scriptierepository .

Nu aanmeldenBrochureEvenementenContact
Masterwekendiverse locatiesMeer informatie



Max L. Snijders

Max L Snijders is de studievereniging van de master Journalistiek aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Prof. dr. Max L. Snijders was de eerste hoogleraar Journalistiek aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


MESA is the study association of the bachelor and master programs of Media Studies. The association aims to help the cultural and academic growth of its members as well as improve contact between them. Additionally, the association plays a vital role in promoting and introducing the bachelor to both new and prospective students.
MESA is comprised of various committees, each with their own objectives to help us achieve our goals. Numerous events are organized all year round such as the first years introduction camp, parties, trips, excursions and debates amongst other things and offers services such as high-quality summaries.

Elke masteropleiding heeft een studieadviseur waar je terecht kunt als je vragen hebt of advies wilt over je studie en andere zaken rondom het studeren. Alles wat je bespreekt wordt vertrouwelijk behandeld. Bij complexere zaken, bijvoorbeeld studievertraging, functiebeperking of langdurig ziek zijn, kun je terecht bij een studentendecaan.

Ook worden er cursussen aangeboden die je kunnen helpen om beter te kunnen studeren zoals studiestress en faalangsttrainingen, effectief studeren, presenteren of academische schrijfvaardigheid. Deze kun je volgen bij de afdeling Studieondersteuning van het Studenten Service Centrum (SSC). Met deze faciliteiten zorgen we er samen met jou voor dat je je gehele studie met veel plezier en goede resultaten kunt volbrengen.