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Onderwijs Master en PhD opleidingen DDM Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
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DDM Sustainable Urban and Regional Development

Do you want to study topics sustainable urban and regional development in the context of Europe and Southeast Asia? Join our Double Degree Master in Sustainable Urban and Regional Development!

The Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the University of Groningen (UG), the Netherlands, and the Department of Geography at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia have jointly created a Double Degree Master programme. It combines content from the master Geography (track Regional Development) at UGM with content from the master Society, Sustainability and Planning at UG. Students start their two year programme with a year in Indonesia, followed by a year in the Netherlands.

You will learn about geography, planning and sustainable & regional development, taking into consideration the social context and planning politics. You will learn to solve real-world problems by using acquired skills and techniques.

Gadjah Mada University, located in the city of Yogyakarta, is one of the oldest and largest institutions of higher education in Indonesia. The city is home to thousands of students from across the world. Yogyakarta's unique landscape, heritage and culture make it an interesting place for those studying urban planning. In addition, you will enrich your study experience in Groningen, the Netherlands. The University of Groningen is one of the world's leading universities. Learn from the best and take advantage of exciting research opportunities connecting Europe and Southeast Asia.

Feiten & Cijfers
MSc in Society, Sustainability and Planning
Type opleiding
Double Degree master
24 maanden (120 ECTS)
Croho code
Augustus, September
Ruimtelijke wetenschappen

Waarom dit programma in Groningen?

  • Unique focus on designing socially sustainable spatial solutions
  • Numerous 'hands-on' assignments, field-visits and contacts with practitioners
  • An emerging societally relevant field within Spatial Planning research and practice
  • Thinking (policy strategies) and doing (practical work on projects and plans)
  • Compare international theory and practice


Development of Concepts and Theories in Geography (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Population and Development (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Research Design and Methodology (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Smart City, Village and Region (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Space and Place in Globalization (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Spatial Data Representation (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Spatial Development Planning (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Structure and Dynamics of Regional System (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Sustainable Regional Development (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Design of Monitoring and Evaluation (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Fieldwork (3 SKS) (4.5 EC)
Marginal and Border Area Development (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Pre-proposal (1.5 EC)
Regional Development Information System (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Regional Development Studio (3 SKS) (4.5 EC)
Statistic for Geography (2 SKS) (3 EC)
Sustainable Urban Development (2 SKS) (3 EC)
City Matters (5 EC)
Interaction, Society and Space (5 EC)
Planning Theory (5 EC)
Engaging Society in Spatial Transformation (5 EC)
Optional courses (10 EC)
Master's Thesis (parts 1-3) (5 EC)
Revitalising Neighbourhoods (5 EC)
Living Lab Sustainable Places (ID) (5 EC)

Studeren in het buitenland

  • Studeren in het buitenland is verplicht



Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

Bachelor's degree in Geography, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Spatial Planning, Environmental Science, Economic Development, Regional Development, Social Science and Politics, Public Administration or any other subject related to the DDM programme. Not sure about your degree? Ask our study advisors via study.advice.fss

gemiddeld cijfer

Overall weighted average grade of at least 3.25 (Indonesian Grade) for Indonesian students, or at least 6.5 (Dutch grade) for Dutch students, or equivalent for other students.

taaltoets cijfer

English certificate according to the requirements of the Common European Framework (CEF): C1 or better

  • IELTS overall band 6.5, no less than 6.0 on each section
  • TOEFL 92 IBT
  • Cambridge English: Cambridge certificate C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency (formerly known as CAE/CPE)

The language proficiency requirement can be waived for students that can demonstrate that they are enrolled in or have completed a Bachelor's programme that is fully taught in English.

A prospective student can always apply for an exemption from the English language test. The student needs to explain, and if required show proof of, why an exemption would be justified. It is up to the Admission Board to decide whether an exemption will be granted or not.


Doorstromen vanaf..

Alle WO instellingen

Via een pre-master

Extra informatie:

See Environmental and Infrastructural Planning & Socio-spatial Planning or contact Paul van Steen iofss


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 maart 202601 augustus 2026
01 maart 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 maart 202601 augustus 2026
01 maart 202601 september 2026
non-EU/EEA studenten01 april 202501 augustus 2025
01 maart 202601 september 2026
01 april 202601 augustus 2026


Specifieke eisenExtra informatie

Bachelor's degree in Geography, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Spatial Planning, Environmental Science, Economic Development, Regional Development, Social Science and Politics, Public Administration or any other subject related to the DDM programme. Not sure about your degree? Ask our study advisors via study.advice.fss

gemiddeld cijfer

Overall weighted average grade of at least 3.25 (Indonesian Grade) for Indonesian students, or at least 6.5 (Dutch grade) for Dutch students, or equivalent for other students.

taaltoets cijfer

English certificate according to the requirements of the Common European Framework (CEF): C1 or better

  • IELTS overall band 6.5, no less than 6.0 on each section
  • TOEFL 92 IBT
  • Cambridge English: Cambridge certificate C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency (formerly known as CAE/CPE)

The language proficiency requirement can be waived for students that can demonstrate that they are enrolled in or have completed a Bachelor's programme that is fully taught in English.

A prospective student can always apply for an exemption from the English language test. The student needs to explain, and if required show proof of, why an exemption would be justified. It is up to the Admission Board to decide whether an exemption will be granted or not.


Type studentDeadlineStart opleiding
Nederlandse studenten01 maart 202601 augustus 2026
01 maart 202601 september 2026
EU/EEA studenten01 maart 202601 augustus 2026
01 maart 202601 september 2026
non-EU/EEA studenten01 april 202501 augustus 2025
01 maart 202601 september 2026
01 april 202601 augustus 2026


EU/EER2024-2025€ 2530voltijd
niet EU/EER2024-2025€ 20800voltijd
EU/EER2025-2026€ 2601voltijd
niet EU/EER2025-2026€ 21400voltijd

Scholarships: Check the Nuffic website for information about scholarships.

Students are expected to follow our Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. For more detailed information about laptop requirements, please visit this webpage

Praktische informatie voor:

Na je studie


Our graduates work at:

  • Varuious levels of government
  • Consultancies, housing associations and developers (private sector)
  • NGOs (environmental, social, heritage)
  • Universities and research institutes

We support you in developing a rich set of analytical tools and practical skills that allow you to create sustainable cities. You become a critical professional who knows how to engage citizens in the major spatial transformations of our times.



The MSc Socio-Spatial Planning (SSP) program follows the research agenda of the Department of Spatial Planning and Environment as well as the Faculty of Spatial Sciences in more general. This research agenda focuses on the relationships between wellbeing of people (with different identity markers, backgrounds, values, wishes), institutional innovation (improved governance and policy making), and spatial transformation (changing landscapes, cities and regions).

The emphasis in Socio-Spatial Planning related research lies on the social side of planning. ‘Ordinary’ people and local communities are often neglected by planners and the focus tends to be more dominantly on policy, governance, strategic planning and legal frameworks. Research conducted by researchers active in Socio-Spatial Planning program aims to understand the ‘HUMAN FACTOR’' in spatial planning: why different groups of people embrace, contest or reject spatial changes? how do they take the lead in shaping their own environment and how to align such initiatives with more formal plan- and policy-making? how do spatial interventions influence different stakeholders and their well-being? and how to engage society effectively in spatial transformations?

The core ambitions of the research that informs the teaching program of Master SSP are to:

  • Contribute to planning for liveable, resilient and resourceful communities and places
  • Be able to create coalitions and stimulate collaboration among different stakeholders
  • Design policy solutions for an inclusive and sustainable society

Some examples of recent research topics of the researchers closely connected to the program of Socio-Spatial Planning include:

The articles written on the above topics by the staff members are often used as direct input for lectures and as key literature for the core courses. The Department also facilitates connecting Master thesis research to the ongoing research of staff members.

Nu aanmeldenBrochureEvenementenContact
Masterwekendiverse locatiesMeer informatie


  • Drs. Chris Diederiks (International Office Faculty of Spatial Sciences)
    Email: exchange.fss
  • Dyah Ayu (For admission related questions)
    Email: akademikpasca.geo


Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta is de Faculteitsvereniging van de Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen.
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