How is language stored in the brain? What effects can brain damage have on our ability to use language? And why do some children have difficulty learning language? Find it out in this track.
The two-year international Research Master's track in Clinical Linguistics is part of the prestigious international Erasmus Mundus programme in Clinical Linguistics, EMCL++. EMCL++ is an integrated two-year Master's programme offered jointly by a consortium of the Universities of Groningen (NL), Ghent (B) and Eastern Finland (FI) and 26 associated partners from the academic, R&D, and clinical sector, finishing with a joint Msc degree from the three institutions. It is a full-time interdisciplinary and transnational university programme at the Masters level, providing integrated training in neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and clinical linguistics.
The regular study period is 24 months. It consists of 4 semesters; 2 teaching semesters, the third semester is a combination of a teaching semester and internship, the fourth semester to finish the masters thesis. After finishing this track you will receive a joint degree.
Most recent information on the EMCL++ programme can be found at:
Sign up now for the Master's Week from 18-22 November!The Faculty of Arts also offers a one year master’s degree programme in Linguistics.