UG research portal
Why don’t I have a profile page on the UG research portal?
All staff members with content in Pure have a profile page on the UG research portal. Unless you have chosen not to have a profile page on the UG website ( In that case, you do not have a profile page on the UG research portal either. You can adjust this yourself in Pure by setting the visibility settings to public in the 'Edit profile' section.
Attention: this will NOT activate a profile page on the UG website!
What is the difference between the profile page on the UG website and the profile page on the UG research portal? Which information is presented?
Every UG staff member has a profile page on the UG website ( The UG website provides an overview of relevant information about you as a staff member (your position, department, contact information and picture). If you have research output registered in Pure the UG profile page will show the menu item 'Research'. It will show the, with a maximum of 10, most recently added or highlighted publications and/or press/media. In subsequent releases it will become possible to add more overviews from Pure.
If you have registered content in Pure, you will have a profile page on the UG research portal. The profile page on the UG research portal shows the complete overview of information regarding research output, activities, projects, prizes, and more. Moreover the research profile shows your national and international collaborations.
More information on the UG research portal webpage.
I already have a photo on my profile page on the UG website, why don't I see it on my profile page on the UG research portal?
The photos presented in the profile pages on the UG research portal are taken from Pure. Please log in to Pure and go to 'Edit profile'. Upload your photo with a max. file size of 1 MB.
Find more information on the Showcase your research webpage.
My profile page on the UG website looks different than before. I don’t see all the items I was used to. Why?
With the implementation of the UG research portal (February 2021), the profile page on the UG website has been changed. The profile page shows the latest added or selected (highlighted) items from Pure and redirects for more comprehensive information to the UG research portal.
At the beginning, the profile page will show your most recent publications (or top ten) publications and press/media communications. It was chosen to show only publications and Press/Media items. The other templates are visible on the research portal.
More information on the UG profile page.
How do I show my CV on the UG research portal?
You can create a public CV. The link to your public CV will be visible under your photo on your personal profile.
How to create your CV:
Log in to Pure and on the menu on the left, select ‘Curricula vitae’ > ‘Add new’ > ‘Public CV’.
Select the content types that you want to add to your CV and click on 'create'.
If you want to make your CV publicly available from your profile page on the UG research portal, mark the checkbox 'publish' on the right side of the save button. Then press 'save'.
Find more information on the Showcase your research webpage.
How can I correct my name on the UG research portal?
Your name is uploaded to Pure via the HR system. Please contact HR if your name is not presented correctly.
How do I change the room number on the research portal?
How can I correct my affiliation and contact information on the UG research portal?
Your contact information (phone number and address) is uploaded to Pure via the HR system. Please contact HR if you need to change this information. -
I don’t see information about my affiliation on the UG research portal. Why?
The research portal is intended to show the research organisation and the affiliated persons, and their output. If you are not directly linked to a research institute, or group, no departmental information will be shown.
My projects are not shown under the Research tab on the profile page on the UG website ( Why?
The projects registered in Pure are shown on the profile page on the UG website under the tab ‘Projects’. If you have projects registered in Pure and you want to show them on your profile page on the UG website you have to edit your UG profile page. Under the tab Projects select the box ‘Show projects from Pure on this page’.
More information on how to edit your UG profile page.
How do I refer to a UG publication on the university's research portal?
To refer to a publication, you should preferably use a handle link. This is a persistent link to a publication on the research portal.
Log on to Pure, find your publication and copy the handle link. Click the publication. In the extended description, open the left menu Display (under Overview). There you will find the handle link.
The handle link is also visible on the research portal. ( persistent link).
(Note: We do not recommend uploading PDFs to other platforms or referring to PDFs on these platforms such as ORCID or Researchgate).
How to link to pages on the research portal
Sometimes you want/need to link to a page on the research portal, for instance to make a (green open access) article available to the public. You could use the URL of the page, but this is not a persistent link.
If you need a persistent link please login to Pure. From the lists of outputs click on the small triangle/pointer in front of the title. The other hidden information will now be shown. Lookup the item and copy the link that is presented.
This is a persistent link that will redirect to the item page on the research portal.
Why does Supervised work include the dissertations where I was a member of the Assessment committee and not supervisor or co-supervisor?
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