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How can I add a conference paper?

There are multiple ways in Pure to enter a contribution to a conference. However, it is important to note that the type you choose has an impact on how the entered publication is counted in an evaluation such as SEP. Bearing this in mind, we recommend the following steps:
  1. Is your contribution published in a journal or book? Please use the Research output >  Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding > Conference proceeding. This will mark the publication as scientific output for SEP (a contribution to conference type will not).
  2. If your contribution is not published in a journal or book, but is still a paper, poster or abstract, then use the corresponding type under Research output > Contribution to conference (Paper or Poster or Abstract or Other).
  3. If you presented your work in a conference you can register it as an activity under Activity> Talk and presentation > Academic presentation. In the template you may add information about the event and add a file of your presentation or poster.
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