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University of Groningen Library Support Hora Finita support Frequently asked questions Hora Finita Frequently asked questions Hora Finita Information for support staff

Informatie voor UB stafmedewerker

  • How to add a new secretary to Hora Finita

    • In Hora Finita, under Gebruikers, Handmatige gebruikers per p-nummer, by p-number, search for the secretary.
    • If the secretary is not known, click New at the bottom of the page.
    • In General, person, enter the p-number.
    • Select the correct person and fill in the role of Secretaresse van promotor under role*.
    • Close at the bottom of the screen with Save.

  • How to remove rolls in Hora Finita?

    1. Find the person in question in the Users tab, All users. 
    2. To delete single roles in Hora Finita: delete the entire user from Hora Finita, at the bottom of the User - Edit screen. Click the Delete button and then Delete again.
    3. To delete one of a user's roles: click on the forbidden to enter/one-way sign icon, and Save.
  • PhD student switches faculty or research institute. What should we do?

    Sometimes it happens that a PhD student changes faculty (and/or institute).E.g. from FSE to MW. 
    Not always GS colleagues can make this change in HF.

    What can we do? What steps?

    • Find the student
    • In the General tab, go to the Organization and research section
    • Make changes at faculty*, graduate school, institute, research school, program and/or program line.
    • Click on Save. The new GS can now see the PhD trajectory and, if necessary, modify it further.
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