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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Research Intelligence Services Do It Yourself

Your tools for research impact

tools for researchers to increase impact

We at RISe have developed a few easy-to-use tools to help you plan, track, evaluate and increase your research impact. If you cannot find the tool you need here, do not hesitate to contact us to let us know.

About measuring impact

Considerations when measuring research impact

Communication Strategy Tool

7 key questions you should ask yourself when devising your research communication plan.

Impact and Visibility Quiz

How do you and society get the most out of your research? Take this quiz and check if you are impact ready!

Your Research Impact Checklist

Download your checklist for maximal impact and visibility to your research

Contact Us

For Research Intelligence Support, email rise
For Expert Opinion, call Shaya Abdolahzadeh: +31(0)631983049