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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library Open Access Open Science Newsletter

University of Groningen and UMCG introduce a green open access policy

Green open access

As open access becomes a more and more familiar concept, focus is now on the small steps everyone can take to make openness in research a reality. One such small but significant step is depositing the full-text of your article in the University’s research database Pure , thereby making it freely available on your institutional researcher profile page. This is called green open access or the green road to open access. Since 1 January 2017, researchers of the University of Groningen (UG) and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) are required to deposit full-text versions of their peer-reviewed articles in the University’s research database.

Why is this policy introduced?

Open access is one of the University of Groningen’s strategic focus areas. UG and UMCG strive to make the scientific output of their researchers accessible through open access, especially through the so-called green road. This is in keeping with the Dutch national policy and the requirements of various research funding organizations, but also inspired by positive effects green open access has for citation scores and the impact of publications.

The Board of the University and the Board of Directors of the UMCG thus decided to ask researchers to deposit the final author’s version of their peer-reviewed article in the University’s research database Pure from 1 January 2017 on. The workflow asks little effort from researchers; most of the realization is being handled by the University of Groningen Library .

What is asked from researchers?
  • Every UG and UMCG researcher that is (co-)author of an article published in a peer-reviewed journal is asked to deposit his or her article in Pure.
  • Depositing takes places as soon as possible upon acceptance of the article (immediate deposit on acceptance). The UG Library and the Medical Library will handle the import of the publication to Pure.
  • The version that is deposited is a PDF of the final author’s version following the peer review.
    Other publications than peer-reviewed articles are beyond the scope of this policy. Authors are free to register these publications in Pure.
  • When depositing an article, authors also submit metadata (UG-/UMCG-email address, journal name).
  • The UG Library and Medical Library will take care of the legal requirements (embargo deadlines etc.) issued by the publisher concerning the open access publishing of the archived article (optional - and controlled- access).
Beleid open access
How to deposit an article?

To ensure depositing costs authors as little time and effort as possible, we advise to fill in the online form. Depositing an article takes less than 1 minute. Articles can also be mailed or deposited directly in Pure.

More information
Last modified:10 July 2024 12.22 p.m.