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Exhibition: Groninger Vrouwengalerij

Jantina Tammes
Jantina Tammes

The Groninger Vrouwengalerij is a portrait gallery created by De Verhalen van Groningen (Stories of Groningen) which tells the stories of 50 remarkable women from Groningen’s past, both online and in person. Among other things, this gallery will be touring the province of Groningen in the form of an exhibition. First stop: the University Library City Centre in Groningen.

About the Groninger Vrouwengalerij

De Verhalen van Groningen has created the Groninger Vrouwengalerij together with the inhabitants of Groningen. Groningen has produced many strong and progressive women: from eccentric artists to idealistic politicians; from world-famous sopranos to ground-breaking academics. However, these women hardly appear at all in regional or national historiography. That is why De Verhalen van Groningen is highlighting these remarkable women in the Groninger Vrouwengalerij.

100 years of women’s suffrage

This project was initiated to celebrate 100 years of women’s suffrage in 2019. De Verhalen van Groningen also coordinates this provincial themed year.
Last modified:25 June 2019 2.15 p.m.
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