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University of Groningen Library
University of Groningen Library More heritage Exhibitions Mussengang: het studentenleven getekend

Horizontal format

After drawing in a vertical format for years, Bert Cornelius felt the need for a change. Using a horizontal format on the back cover allowed him to vary: one large drawing or a series of smaller ones. He began using this new format in the period 1988-1989, with the stories appearing under the illustration rather than next to it, as in previous years.

In illustration 15, Vindicat member Eduard de Bock and Mathilde de Bruyne are sitting on the Harmonieplein. Writer Peter Bügel (with a book and glasses) is listening closely to their conversation.

15. Harmonieplein
15. Harmonieplein

In illustration 16, we see two girls surrounded by men in raincoats. The accompanying story provides an explanation: when it was announced that two sons of Princess Margriet and Pieter van Vollenhoven were going to study in Groningen, Mussengang immediately acquired two princesses of Orange of its own: Wilhelmina and Emma.

16. Two Orange princesses
16. Two Orange princesses

In illustration 17, next to Vindicat member Eduard de Bock (beer in hand), we see the former Queen’s Commissioner (H.J.L. Vonhoff). The men are sailing on the Groningen koftjalk barge, named ‘Voorwaarts Voorwaarts’, through Groningen waters when Eduard spots sisters Mathilde and Yvette de Bruyne on the shore, and invites them on board.

17. Voorwaarts
17. Voorwaarts
Last modified:24 December 2021 11.54 a.m.
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